Fielding in ECB Under-13 County Competition 2012 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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C Becker (Staff)6369
J Billings (Sx)7538
JH Sookias (Dy)6358
BL Allen (Buck)4167
T Banton (Wk)5347
G Hampson (Yor)3437
WA Hawtin (Ox)7347
JL Haynes (Wo)67 7
WJ Heathfield (Nr)77 7
GW Newton (Ches)37 7
HJ Swindells (Le)67 7
NJ Baxter (Kent)76 6
S Malton (Hunt)4246
EJ Mitchell-Lee (Ham)6336
C Nicholls (Mx)6516
A Thomas (Mx)6246
H Warne (Nr)66 6
RP Brown (Dy)65 5
J Goldsworthy (Corn)55 5
A Gupta (Es)4325
LW James (Nt)45 5
H Mahmood (Staff)65 5
OG Robinson (Kent)7325
TAR Scriven (Berk)85 5
TG Sturgess (Corn)5325
FR Trenouth (Sm)55 5
CJ Ball (Dy)64 4
LB Bedford (Kent)74 4
T Bishop (Ox)64 4
JW Blake (Sy)3134
D Gowers (La)4224
A Grimes (Lin)74 4
H Hardman (Mx)64 4
D Hill (Nr)4224
J Holden (Lin)64 4
JP Kinder (Wo)64 4
GJ Loyd (Suff)44 4
C McCulloch (La)54 4
D McHugh (Kent)74 4
DY Pennington (Shrop)7314
EI Samuel (Wilt)84 4
O Thomas (Dor)5314
S Wardley (Ches)34 4
TR Wyatt (Corn)54 4
LAD Belcher (Ox)73 3
P Bright (Nr)53 3
C Camwell (Wk)43 3
ETD Casterton (Sm)53 3
AEC Dahl (Sy)63 3
K Dave (Nt)2213
B Dyer (Ham)53 3
A Eglinton (Berk)33 3
G Elliott (Wilt)73 3
J Fisher (Norf)2123
R Franklin (Ham)53 3
T Garrard (Here)43 3
AMS George (Cam)5213
J Gower (Wales)2213
S Hall (Cum)53 3
GT Hargrave (Shrop)7123
T Hawdon (Cum)53 3
J Hennessey (Sy)53 3
B Herridge (IoW)63 3
B Johnson (Hert)5213
HA Jordan (Berk)83 3
O Kennett (Sy)53 3
M Law (Lin)73 3
O Lawrence (Wk)53 3
H Lee (Berk)83 3
O Mohammed (Mx)73 3
B Parvess (Ham)63 3
D Philips (Dy)53 3
A Salter (Hert)43 3
LJP Shaw (Sm)53 3
AW Shoff (Mx)53 3
S Steel (Dur)53 3
OKR Thrasher (Nr)73 3
BS Twine (Sx)73 3
O Vickery (Berk)8213
R Whyte (IoW)63 3
ED Woods (Berk)83 3
T Yarham (Norf)4123
C Yates (Le)53 3
M Addison (Ox)42 2
MNH Allen (Suff)42 2
M Barker (Kent)62 2
C Barry (Wales)32 2
J Bowden (Buck)32 2
HC Brook (Yor)42 2
HJH Brookes (Wk)62 2
C Calcott (Gs)22 2
S Caldera (Ham)52 2
J Carroll (Nr)62 2
C Chahal (Wilt)72 2
BM Cox (Wo)5112
M Cox (Gs)42 2
JRJ Craner (Wo)42 2
G Croton (Mx)62 2
JE Culff (Sy)42 2
A Curran (Sy)3022
MB Davison (Wk)52 2
H Dickinson (Ches)42 2
JF Emanuel (Mx)62 2
MTM Firth (Berk)82 2
W Fisher (Buck)42 2
J Fixter (Lin)42 2
DJ Gibbs (Staff)62 2
J Griffiths (Wk)22 2
TJ Haines (Sx)62 2
K Hamid (Ox)62 2
M Harding (Corn)52 2
A Harwood (Buck)42 2
A Higgins (Nthum)22 2
M Hodson (Staff)42 2
T Horner-Timmins (Lin)42 2
EJ Hurst (Dur)42 2
J Hyde (Shrop)72 2
WG Jacks (Sy)52 2
D Johnson (Sy)3022
KLP Judd (Hunt)3112
H Khalil (Wk)42 2
A Khan (Nthum)42 2
FIN Khushi (Es)42 2
CE Lea (Wo)42 2
R Leathley (Corn)52 2
H Lockwood (Dor)42 2
A Marston (Suff)4022
G Martin (Sx)72 2
W Maund (Here)72 2
SW Mead (Ham)52 2
M Moore (Le)52 2
O Morton (Ox)22 2
E Moss (Gs)22 2
S Mulvey (Nr)62 2
H Nasir (Nt)42 2
AS Nijjar (Es)42 2
T North (Yor)42 2
J O'Brien (Dur)32 2
SR Oldham (La)52 2
S Parker (Wilt)52 2
JA Paull (Corn)52 2
BJ Phillips (Dev)3112
T Prentis (Berk)72 2
O Price (Sm)5022
MA Raza (Staff)62 2
J Richardson (Dy)52 2
H Rollings (Sx)7112
CFB Scott (Hert)52 2
R Sen (Lin)62 2
F Shamsi (Berk)52 2
O Shrubsole (Dor)62 2
W Shuttleworth (La)52 2
M Smith (Ox)72 2
MG Stables (Cum)42 2
H Thornton (Norf)42 2
S Thurlow (Here)52 2
M Tipping (Dor)22 2
S Tuttle (Wilt)52 2
C Vick (Kent)52 2
WJ Wade (Wilt)82 2
T Waine (Mx)62 2
O Warwick (Nr)42 2
B Watson (Le)62 2
B White (IoW)32 2
P Whittaker (Wilt)62 2
Z Wilcox (Staff)52 2
J Worrall (Nt)42 2
A Wright (Cum)52 2
RM Yates (Wk)52 2
S Ahmed (Wo)51 1
Z Akhter (Cam)41 1
T Allday (Es)11 1
S Allen (Mx)41 1
B Anjam (Yor)31 1
J Attrill (IoW)51 1
F Austin (Sy)41 1
O Bailey (Nthum)41 1
L Banks (Staff)61 1
E Barlow (Dy)61 1
W Barrett (Bed)21 1
T Bastow (Suff)41 1
S Bazmi (Nt)31 1
M Bedford (Cam)11 1
J Bell (Sx)51 1
R Bevan (Gs)41 1
R Blakemore (Wo)31 1
C Blakey (Wo)11 1
J Bott (Le)41 1
OCB Bradley (Sx)61 1
R Bretherton (La)31 1
H Broome (Nr)61 1
A Bryden (Hunt)41 1
W Bukhari (Es)51 1
O Butt (La)31 1
FAD Cameron (Wo)31 1
JJ Cantrell (Suff)41 1
R Chahal (Staff)41 1
S Charlton (Cam)41 1
J Clark (Sm)21 1
H Clarke (Dor)61 1
B Claydon (Cam)51 1
S Conners (Dy)51 1
JD Cook (Lin)71 1
EAJ Cox (Nr)61 1
A Crabtree (Hert)41 1
HE Craig (Hunt)51 1
PA Davison (Dur)11 1
S Dickson (Sy)31 1
T Dingwall (Ox)51 1
J Doneathy (Nthum)41 1
D Drew (Sm)41 1
G Elliston (Sy)61 1
W Eva (Corn)41 1
T Eyles (Ox)71 1
H Finbow (Suff)31 1
W Findlay (Norf)31 1
E Fletcher (Cam)51 1
K Gainsford (Kent)71 1
CF Gibson (Corn)51 1
A Gleadall (Dy)61 1
M Godhania (Bed)51 1
T Gough (Shrop)61 1
JWN Gray (Kent)71 1
B Gundry (Sm)51 1
L Hammond (Sm)41 1
A Hannam (Dev)21 1
A Hartridge (Dev)21 1
G Haynes (Gs)41 1
G Heap (Gs)41 1
O Heazel (Es)31 1
M Heywood (Suff)21 1
L Hill (Wo)51 1
OJ Hind (Bed)61 1
R Hindmarsh (Nthum)31 1
B Hings (Yor)21 1
J Hobbs (Here)51 1
B Holder (Sy)61 1
SR Holland (Es)41 1
L Holmes (Lin)71 1
CE Home (Shrop)71 1
JW Jamieson-Black (Gs)41 1
HD Johnson (Wk)2011
B Johnston (Ches)31 1
T Jones (Shrop)61 1
S Khawaja (Ox)41 1
D Knight (Cam)51 1
V Lawson (Sx)71 1
B Lee (Buck)31 1
H Lewis (Nr)41 1
H Lockyer (Es)51 1
L Lombard (Corn)51 1
TW Loten (Yor)41 1
C Luxton (Kent)61 1
THG McCarthy (Hunt)41 1
FDW McCreath (Nthum)21 1
JA McGown (Cum)51 1
R McMichael (Ham)41 1
D Manley (Wales)11 1
J Martin (IoW)21 1
S Mehli (Mx)51 1
O Morris (Dor)51 1
C Morton (Bed)61 1
S Moss (Cum)21 1
M Murray-Williams (Wales)31 1
AG Olivelle (Es)21 1
N Papworth (Norf)51 1
S Parry (Buck)21 1
A Patel (Bed)61 1
LA Patterson-White (Nt)41 1
J Pavis (Nt)41 1
O Peters (Suff)31 1
T Phillips (Sm)21 1
S Piesse (Hunt)31 1
O Plummer-Clarke (Buck)31 1
W Polito (Ox)51 1
N Potter (Cam)51 1
MJ Potts (Dur)41 1
T Pregden (Berk)3011
M Price (Sx)61 1
TJ Price (Ox)41 1
AJ Pritchard (Hert)51 1
T Pyke (Wk)31 1
EO Richards (Wales)11 1
T Richardson (Lin)61 1
E Robinson (Buck)21 1
J Roe (Hert)51 1
C Royle (Le)51 1
S Saleem (Sy)51 1
D Sambrook (Hert)41 1
C Sanders (Dy)31 1
A Schmid (Staff)61 1
A Scott (Yor)41 1
JAL Scriven (Sm)51 1
S Shashoua (Hert)21 1
S Slater (Staff)61 1
C Smith (La)41 1
JJ Smith (Hunt)51 1
C Stafford (Kent)61 1
G Sumpter (Hert)41 1
KK Tahirkheli (Yor)41 1
K Taj (Berk)31 1
MJ Taylor (Bed)41 1
J Temple (Sx)71 1
J Tomes (Ox)51 1
J Tomnie (Wk)31 1
R Tooley (Dor)61 1
J Turner (Es)41 1
F Turrill (Dor)61 1
F Vaz (Wilt)81 1
A Walker (Sx)21 1
D Walter (IoW)41 1
HCB Ward (Dev)41 1
HD Ward (Ox)51 1
R Ward (Wales)31 1
D Warne (Corn)41 1
L Washington (Staff)61 1
A Watkins (Ches)31 1
P Webb (Nt)31 1
I Westhead (Dor)11 1
J Wheatley (Corn)41 1
C Wheeler (Berk)51 1
G Willis (IoW)61 1
GP Willows (Dor)61 1
J York (Dor)51 1
E Young (Ches)41 1