Fielding in Women's Cricket Southern League Championship 2010 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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VJ Neal (Let)4224
N Patel (Red)6224
TT Beaumont (Bex)6213
LJ Thompson (Bex)3011
HE Timmins (Port)3112
M Ali (Red)52 2
OV Anderson (Shep)85 5
GA Basketter (Port)72 2
V Borman (Let)71 1
ED Burton (Shep)52 2
EL Cane (Let)61 1
B Cartledge (Shep)21 1
R Cheffy (Let)51 1
SL Clarke (Red)94 4
J Craig (Shep)62 2
A Cranstone (Port)51 1
J de Tarczyinski (Shep)71 1
I Donkin (Red)11 1
GD Dye (Port)51 1
S Dye (Port)51 1
CM Edwards (Bex)31 1
B Evans (Bex)11 1
GM Greenwood (LB)42 2
A Harl (Bex)31 1
KM Hartnett (Port)72 2
C Hawkins (Let)21 1
EK Hubbard (LB)52 2
J Jackson (Red)92 2
P Jarvis (Bex)71 1
M Kerr (LB)71 1
LM Klatt (Red)41 1
HA Knight (Shep)71 1
HE Kopicki (Shep)71 1
NJ Lane (Bex)83 3
HE Mowbray (LB)52 2
L Nahorniak (Shep)82 2
AML Pastellas (Port)31 1
RB Patel (LB)73 3
LMB Pierce (Red)51 1
NJ Poletyllo (Shep)21 1
C Rapley (Shep)72 2
T Reeves (Bex)42 2
A Richardson (Bex)54 4
KM Robson (Red)92 2
C Russell (Shep)72 2
Sarah Ali (Red)61 1
CR Scutt (Red)91 1
K Shepley (Shep)21 1
Z Sturgess (LB)41 1
OK Thorogood (Red)65 5
D Tress (Bex)61 1
SL Ward (Let)51 1
G White (LB)61 1
H Whittaker (Port)41 1
SD Williams (Shep)82 2