Fielding in Americas Under-15 Central Region Championship 2009 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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J Jemison (Bah)3235
R Barnes (Blz)1011
J Adderley (Bah)33 3
A Allie (Bah)41 1
R Barnes (Cay)21 1
T Brown (Bah)41 1
S Bush (Cay)41 1
A Galati (Bah)31 1
A Gulati (Bah)11 1
M Jesubatham (Bah)21 1
P Laidlaw (Cay)41 1
D Lee (Cay)11 1
K Meighan (Blz)31 1
M Outar (Cay)41 1
M Ramlochan (Bah)11 1
R Sutherland (Bah)31 1
O Tucker (Bah)42 2
E Will (Blz)21 1