
Bowling in ECB Women's Premier League 2008 (Ordered by Player)

Runs conceded are not known for all matches
For each bowler, the average is computed taking into account only the runs and wickets in matches where his runs conceded are known
Click on column heading to see the averages sorted by that column

S Ahmed (Tyt)6612511-925.00 0066.00 2.27
CA Anneveld (Hart)173311711-36117.00 00173.00 4.05
LRF Askew (Hayes)349199562-715.83 0058.16 1.63
CMG Atkins (Shep)18059462-?23.50 0045.00 3.13
CN Atkinson (NR)422190     2.71
CP Atkinson (NR)12083332-2211.00 0040.00 1.65
VG Ball (Bath)6004722-4723.50 0030.00 4.70
E Barlow (Tyt)91111-11.00 009.00 0.66
SM Bartlett (Gunn)49924217142-1215.50 0035.64 2.60
AS Barton (Port)180180     6.00
GA Basketter (Port)180340     11.33
K Best (Sheff)11433821-1319.00 0057.00 2.00
RA Birch (Brig)3202921-014.50 0016.00 5.43
S Briggs (Sheff)4802411-1124.00 0048.00 3.00
B Brown (Sheff)601250     2.50
EM Brown (RM)15829552-2219.00 0031.60 3.60
WL Brown (NR)12635032-1516.66 0042.00 2.38
L Burgess (Leeds)180320     10.66
HL Burr (Read)12070     3.50
CHM Burton (Brig)55714290144-2520.71 1039.78 3.12
HE Butts (Sheff)16859642-1824.00 0042.00 3.42
AV Carnwell (MH)3002211-922.00 0030.00 4.40
SL Cawley (Brig)3002022-2010.00 0015.00 4.00
R Childe (NR)18687483-59.25 0023.25 2.38
C Collins (Brig)179512885-2616.00 0122.37 4.29
HL Colvin (Brig)240710762-2017.83 0040.00 2.67
MJ Comfort (Bath)45024153122-1012.75 0037.50 2.04
CJ Connor (Brig)8134843-3112.00 0020.25 3.55
DR Cooper (Hart)2972206123-2317.16 0024.75 4.16
J Craig (Shep)17248932-2629.66 0057.33 3.10
A Cranstone (Port)246029352-7558.60 0049.20 7.14
CY Craven (Read)4461220483-1425.50 0055.75 2.74
J Cummins (Leeds)600740     7.40
S Damen-Willems (RM)120170     8.50
SA Davies (Bath)198312832-3942.66 0066.00 3.87
MEC de Fouw (Hayes)5412711-2727.00 0054.00 3.00
C Dickinson (Read)4806522-2132.50 0024.00 8.12
K Dickinson (Read)3003033-3010.00 0010.00 6.00
KL Doherty (Sheff)13429232-1830.66 0044.66 4.11
A Draycott (Read)120230     11.50
EC Drumm (Hart)1202840     4.20
JL Dunn (Gunn)282614242-635.50 0070.50 3.02
GD Dye (Port)3113262114-5523.81 1028.27 5.05
S Dye (Port)9327611-4076.00 0093.00 4.90
CM Edwards (Hart)384920962-834.83 0064.00 3.26
J Ellis (Leeds)10826222-2431.00 0054.00 3.44
L Ellis (Leeds)122013311-47133.00 00122.00 6.54
JO Elphick (Brig)1201111-1111.00 0012.00 5.50
GA Elwiss (MH)20447932-3826.33 0068.00 2.32
EM Evans (MH)16808132-1827.00 0056.00 2.89
KM Evenson (MH)12073444-88.50 1030.00 1.70
R Ford (Leeds)7314644-3711.50 1018.25 3.78
J Friend (Hart)7809211-2192.00 0078.00 7.07
LC Gardiner (Gunn)120160     8.00
DV Gardner (Read)376620562-2734.16 0062.66 3.27
HM Garton (RM)841340     2.42
EJ Gerke (Hayes)50110276143-3019.71 0035.78 3.30
JL Godman (Bath)120160     8.00
H Gradwell (Tyt)8443142-107.75 0021.00 2.21
A Green (Tyt)6604732-1915.66 0022.00 4.27
CM Green (Brig)8407542-1518.75 0021.00 5.35
LS Greenway (Hayes)640530     4.96
IT Guha (Read)25810119175-97.00 2115.17 2.76
JL Gunn (Gunn)2281564103-106.40 0022.80 1.68
KM Hartnett (Port)6005033-2616.66 0020.00 5.00
RM Hartnett (Port)157112222-4761.00 0078.50 4.66
KJ Harvey (Tyt)21021180     3.37
JL Hawker (Bath)36711238184-3913.22 1020.38 3.89
RV Hawkins (RM)12028232-1827.33 0040.00 4.10
D Hazell (NR)6322064-113.33 1010.50 1.90
NL Heap (Tyt)168611442-1528.50 0042.00 4.07
L Hegarty (Leeds)120310     15.50
CL Hirst (Port)120115832-7052.66 0040.00 7.90
CM Horton (RM)16886532-2421.66 0056.00 2.32
EA Howe (Bath)15639211-1392.00 00156.00 3.53
KJ Hudson (Port)11411090     5.73
JS Jackson (Hayes)57421274113-424.90 0052.18 2.86
FL James (MH)7834065-196.66 0113.00 3.07
P Jarvis (Hart)4803832-3312.66 0016.00 4.75
HR Jelfs (Hart)205410942-2927.25 0051.25 3.19
R Jones (Leeds)190313953-4127.80 0038.00 4.38
K Juster (Gunn)1802422-512.00 009.00 8.00
LM Keightley (Hart)26230     0.69
SS Kennett (Hayes)3547182134-614.00 1027.23 3.08
HA Knight (Shep)38415186133-3716.90 0034.90 2.90
HC Knight (Port)3991221272-630.28 0057.00 3.18
KA Koshel (Gunn)13819954-2619.80 1027.60 4.30
RR Lakhtaria (Gunn)345616583-2420.62 0043.12 2.86
NJ Lane (Hart)7823711-637.00 0078.00 2.84
V Latham (Tyt)363511-55.00 0036.00 0.83
K Lawson (Read)3601533-155.00 0012.00 2.50
BA Leathart (Read)3605011-2050.00 0036.00 8.33
KM Leng (Hayes)371223962-2339.83 0061.83 3.86
KA Levick (Sheff)18657832-1826.00 0062.00 2.51
NA Little (Sheff)240250     6.25
HJ Lloyd (Bath)180270     9.00
AJ Macleod (Read)214115863-1926.33 0035.66 4.42
LE Malkin (MH)13937642-2419.00 0034.75 3.28
KL Manser (Read)120120     6.00
NH Marisa (Port)60711-77.00 006.00 7.00
LA Marsh (Brig)19458794-129.66 1021.55 2.69
N Marshall (Sheff)4804022-2420.00 0024.00 5.00
S Masters (Hayes)4321420992-923.22 0048.00 2.90
NT Miles (Shep)3409206123-2020.60 0034.00 3.63
BL Morgan (Gunn)3181210993-712.11 0035.33 2.05
GE Muttitt (Read)480390     4.87
N Myers (RM)288186483-178.00 0036.00 1.33
R Nanalal (Gunn)14457321-2236.50 0072.00 3.04
K Newman-Judd (Port)6090     9.00
SB Odedra (RM)361100     1.66
K Owen (NR)4212711-2727.00 0042.00 3.85
HC Pack (MH)3612522-2512.50 0018.00 4.16
LJ Pagett (Bath)311517895-619.77 0134.55 3.43
AML Pastellas (Port)240280     7.00
K Paterson (Tyt)3003122-3115.50 0015.00 6.20
K Patterson (Tyt)10816221-2231.00 0054.00 3.44
RA Petty (NR)4812533-258.33 0016.00 3.12
EL Plush (Hart)4081124872-3035.42 0058.28 3.64
DL Poole (Bath)240290     7.25
EM Porter (Read)221516363-527.16 0036.83 4.42
A Potgieter (Shep)4199250143-?22.72 0038.09 3.57
LJ Poulton (RM)241130     3.25
DE Prestidge (Tyt)30910171104-517.10 1030.90 3.32
AU Prowse (Hart)3603711-1937.00 0036.00 6.16
NAL Pym (Brig)258418662-231.00 0043.00 4.32
LH Quinn (Shep)181211484-3614.25 1022.62 3.77
EJCLRC Rainford-Brent (Shep)300100     2.00
C Rapley (Shep)156213142-2432.75 0039.00 5.03
S Redfern (MH)21685952-1211.80 0043.20 1.63
T Reeves (Hart)9625631-1018.66 0032.00 3.50
GK Richards (Bath)17639552-1219.00 0035.20 3.23
J Riley (NR)642520     4.87
J Robinson (Leeds)144410211-17102.00 00144.00 4.25
S Robinson (Leeds)480610     7.62
K Robson (RM)1865114123-179.50 0015.50 3.67
AM Rogers (Read)3906261114-2823.72 1035.45 4.01
HH Rogers (RM)1911011-010.00 0019.00 3.15
SE Rowe (Hayes)90111111-17111.00 0090.00 7.40
H Ruff (Port)240240     6.00
CL Russell (Brig)222311673-1916.57 0031.71 3.13
KH Sciver-Brunt (Brig)35714161143-1311.50 0025.50 2.70
BV Shah (Gunn)164411284-1314.00 1020.50 4.09
NJ Shaw (Shep)13858165-2113.50 0123.00 3.52
EJ Shillito (NR)10624932-2216.33 0035.33 2.77
A Shrubsole (Bath)250615042-3337.50 0062.50 3.60
K Skelhorn (Tyt)198118542-3421.25 0049.50 2.57
LCN Smith (Read)120411-44.00 0012.00 2.00
H Sparks (Bath)6010     1.00
LM Spooner (RM)3011511-1515.00 0030.00 3.00
L Spragg (NR)361220     3.66
LJ Starkey (Tyt)3362112395-1713.66 0137.33 2.19
B Steptowe (Hayes)181911-99.00 0018.00 3.00
AR Stevenson (Shep)3348185113-1316.81 0030.36 3.32
RJ Still (Hayes)2895172102-1117.20 0028.90 3.57
SS Sundaram (Sheff)13237253-3114.40 0026.40 3.27
C Swan (Port)169018932-3763.00 0056.33 6.71
P Thane (MH)12040     2.00
JE Titmuss (RM)4812211-2222.00 0048.00 2.75
D Tress (Hart)240713293-2114.66 0026.66 3.30
LJ Uncles (Brig)15039521-2147.50 0075.00 3.80
AL Walker (Brig)324816562-2127.50 0054.00 3.05
RM Walsh (Sheff)120180     9.00
J Ward (NR)7223011-1130.00 0072.00 2.50
DL Warren (Gunn)45016211113-2019.18 0040.90 2.81
JK Watts (Hart)3764235194-1912.36 3019.78 3.75
K Weaver (Sheff)5902333-237.66 0019.66 2.33
IMG Westbury (Bath)19367884-169.75 1024.12 2.42
CC Westwood (Sheff)11517521-2237.50 0057.50 3.91
CA White (Port)8418811-5888.00 0084.00 6.28
S White (Leeds)10227011-1370.00 00102.00 4.11
CE Whyle (MH)6012121-810.50 0030.00 2.10
KA Whyle (MH)15667641-1119.00 0039.00 2.92
RJ Widdowson (RM)6613922-2119.50 0033.00 3.54
FC Wilson (Bath)7606842-1617.00 0019.00 5.36
L Winfield-Hill (Sheff)120140     7.00
DN Wyatt (MH)19849411-2894.00 00198.00 2.84





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