8-15 | C Hopkinson | Royton v Stockport | Cale Green, Stockport | cll17815 |
8-37 | DW Mellor | Ashton-under-Lyne v Werneth | Rayner Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne | cll17889 |
8-40 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Stockport | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17992 |
7-10 | TB Arothe | Royton v Unsworth | The Paddock, Royton | cll17901 |
7-17 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Unsworth | Parr Lane, Unsworth | cll17960 |
7-27 | LK Whittle | Crompton v Royton | Glebe Street, Shaw, Oldham | cll17850 |
7-50 | SE Dearden | Radcliffe v Milnrow | The Racecourse, Radcliffe | cll17900 |
7-66 | TB Arothe | Royton v Littleborough | The Paddock, Royton | cll17997 |
7-73 | BJ Miskella | Littleborough v Norden | Woodhouse Lane, Norden | cll17916 |
6-18 | MJ Warden | Stand v Milnrow | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll17991 |
6-19 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Ashton-under-Lyne | Rayner Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne | cll17889 |
6-22 | TB Arothe | Royton v Heywood | The Paddock, Royton | cll17797 |
6-22 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Oldham | The Pollards, Oldham | cll17941 |
6-23 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Heywood | The Crimble Ground, Heywood | cll17818 |
6-23 | SC Oddy | Rochdale v Milnrow | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17932 |
6-25 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Stand | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17904 |
6-31 | C Dearden | Littleborough v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17997 |
6-38 | M Wakefield | Milnrow v Royton | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17875 |
6-46 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Rochdale | Redbrook, Rochdale | cll17854 |
6-48 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Norden | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17842 |
6-54 | Asif Mujtaba | Norden v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17840 |
6-55 | DS Norris | Milnrow v Ashton-under-Lyne | Rayner Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne | cll17857 |
6-56 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Walsden | Scott Street, Walsden | cll18000 |
6-60 | A Badenhorst | Heywood v Werneth | The Crimble Ground, Heywood | cll17905 |
6-68 | CPH Ramanayake | Unsworth v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17901 |
5-12 | T Pickersgill | Werneth v Stockport | Cale Green, Stockport | cll17790 |
5-18 | C Sutcliffe | Stand v Werneth | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll18007 |
5-21 | J Punchard | Werneth v Walsden | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17782 |
5-21 | CPH Ramanayake | Unsworth v Royton | Parr Lane, Unsworth | cll18008 |
5-28 | RM Baker | Rochdale v Werneth | Redbrook, Rochdale | cll17918 |
5-30 | I Shaw | Oldham v Royton | The Pollards, Oldham | cll17829 |
5-31 | TB Arothe | Royton v Radcliffe | The Racecourse, Radcliffe | cll17989 |
5-32 | J Punchard | Werneth v Stand | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll18007 |
5-34 | C Hopkinson | Royton v Walsden | The Paddock, Royton | cll17822 |
5-35 | CPH Ramanayake | Unsworth v Milnrow | Parr Lane, Unsworth | cll17975 |
5-36 | RP Larkin | Walsden v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17822 |
5-42 | DS Norris | Milnrow v Oldham | The Pollards, Oldham | cll17784 |
5-43 | A Badenhorst | Heywood v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17797 |
5-43 | JB Seedle | Stand v Littleborough | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17834 |
5-44 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Unsworth | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17866 |
5-46 | BJ Miskella | Littleborough v Middleton | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17986 |
5-47 | DS Norris | Milnrow v Unsworth | Parr Lane, Unsworth | cll17975 |
5-48 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Crompton | Glebe Street, Shaw, Oldham | cll18002 |
5-53 | CPH Ramanayake | Unsworth v Milnrow | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17811 |
5-54 | BJ Miskella | Littleborough v Crompton | Glebe Street, Shaw, Oldham | cll18002 |
5-57 | DW Mellor | Ashton-under-Lyne v Milnrow | Rayner Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne | cll17857 |
5-61 | JD Fitton | Milnrow v Rochdale | Redbrook, Rochdale | cll17806 |
5-64 | TB Arothe | Royton v Walsden | The Paddock, Royton | cll17822 |
5-64 | TB Arothe | Royton v Middleton | Towncroft, Middleton | cll17906 |
5-64 | J Punchard | Werneth v Rochdale | Redbrook, Rochdale | cll17918 |
5-67 | T Pickersgill | Werneth v Heywood | The Crimble Ground, Heywood | cll17905 |
5-68 | DW Mellor | Ashton-under-Lyne v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17845 |
5-69 | TB Arothe | Royton v Middleton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17862 |
5-70 | A Badenhorst | Heywood v Milnrow | The Crimble Ground, Heywood | cll17961 |
5-75 | PD Carroll | Stockport v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17992 |
4-8 | D Rice | Ashton-under-Lyne v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17845 |
4-8 | T Pickersgill | Werneth v Ashton-under-Lyne | Rayner Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne | cll17889 |
4-11 | C Hopkinson | Royton v Radcliffe | The Racecourse, Radcliffe | cll17989 |
4-12 | A Badenhorst | Heywood v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17864 |
4-12 | T Pickersgill | Werneth v Stand | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17904 |
4-16 | JD Fitton | Milnrow v Ashton-under-Lyne | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17907 |
4-16 | C Dearden | Littleborough v Oldham | The Pollards, Oldham | cll17941 |
4-16 | RM Baker | Rochdale v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17950 |
4-22 | M Manley | Unsworth v Werneth | Parr Lane, Unsworth | cll17944 |
4-24 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Stockport | Cale Green, Stockport | cll17790 |
4-25 | JD Fitton | Milnrow v Royton | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17875 |
4-27 | CP Schofield | Littleborough v Royton | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17783 |
4-27 | C Dearden | Littleborough v Ashton-under-Lyne | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17962 |
4-28 | T Pickersgill | Werneth v Walsden | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17782 |
4-28 | C Hopkinson | Royton v Heywood | The Crimble Ground, Heywood | cll18009 |
4-29 | TB Arothe | Royton v Stand | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll17943 |
4-29 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17997 |
4-31 | DA Fare | Heywood v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17797 |
4-31 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Ashton-under-Lyne | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17945 |
4-32 | TB Arothe | Royton v Oldham | The Pollards, Oldham | cll17829 |
4-33 | JP Storey | Milnrow v Unsworth | Parr Lane, Unsworth | cll17975 |
4-35 | RM Baker | Rochdale v Milnrow | Redbrook, Rochdale | cll17806 |
4-37 | TB Arothe | Royton v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17808 |
4-37 | JB Seedle | Stand v Milnrow | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll17991 |
4-38 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Royton | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17783 |
4-39 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Ashton-under-Lyne | Rayner Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne | cll17825 |
4-39 | J Punchard | Werneth v Oldham | The Pollards, Oldham | cll17853 |
4-39 | T Pickersgill | Werneth v Littleborough | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17976 |
4-40 | MJ Warden | Stand v Werneth | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll18007 |
4-41 | M Hooson | Walsden v Milnrow | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17939 |
4-43 | LCR Jordaan | Ashton-under-Lyne v Milnrow | Rayner Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne | cll17857 |
4-43 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17933 |
4-43 | SO Moore | Oldham v Royton | The Paddock, Royton | cll17965 |
4-44 | M Middleton | Stockport v Milnrow | Cale Green, Stockport | cll17846 |
4-44 | Asif Mujtaba | Norden v Royton | Woodhouse Lane, Norden | cll17956 |
4-44 | AJ Smith-Butler | Littleborough v Ashton-under-Lyne | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17962 |
4-45 | WG Lovell | Royton v Milnrow | The Paddock, Royton | cll17837 |
4-45 | C Hopkinson | Royton v Stand | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll17943 |
4-45 | CPH Ramanayake | Unsworth v Werneth | Parr Lane, Unsworth | cll17944 |
4-47 | TB Arothe | Royton v Stand | The Paddock, Royton | cll17885 |
4-48 | CP Schofield | Littleborough v Walsden | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17802 |
4-50 | DS Norris | Milnrow v Stand | Hamilton Road, Whitefield | cll17991 |
4-52 | MJ Warden | Stand v Littleborough | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17834 |
4-52 | TB Arothe | Royton v Norden | The Paddock, Royton | cll17869 |
4-55 | Zafar Iqbal | Crompton v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17968 |
4-56 | JP Newman | Milnrow v Middleton | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17851 |
4-56 | TB Arothe | Royton v Stockport | The Paddock, Royton | cll17974 |
4-57 | TB Arothe | Royton v Milnrow | The Paddock, Royton | cll17837 |
4-58 | TB Arothe | Royton v Rochdale | The Paddock, Royton | cll17950 |
4-59 | J Nuttall | Radcliffe v Littleborough | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17859 |
4-59 | LK Whittle | Crompton v Littleborough | Hare Hill, Littleborough | cll17898 |
4-60 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Middleton | Towncroft, Middleton | cll17795 |
4-61 | SS North | Norden v Royton | Woodhouse Lane, Norden | cll17956 |
4-65 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Rochdale | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17848 |
4-65 | T Pickersgill | Werneth v Crompton | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17968 |
4-68 | M Wakefield | Milnrow v Oldham | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17996 |
4-69 | M Wakefield | Milnrow v Norden | Woodhouse Lane, Norden | cll18011 |
4-75 | RJ Kennedy | Werneth v Crompton | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17968 |
4-76 | RM Baker | Rochdale v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17848 |
4-76 | M Wakefield | Milnrow v Littleborough | Ladyhouse, Milnrow | cll17891 |
4-77 | LK Whittle | Crompton v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17968 |
4-77 | J Punchard | Werneth v Walsden | Scott Street, Walsden | cll18000 |
4-92 | SE Dearden | Radcliffe v Littleborough | The Racecourse, Radcliffe | cll17909 |
4-92 | R Arshad | Stockport v Werneth | The Coppice, Oldham | cll17992 |