Fielding in Birmingham and District Premier League Division Two 1998 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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SN Smyth (KW)2235
PJ Clarke (OEd)13325
D Gascoyne (Walm)4213
JG Winspear (OEd)14314
J Agars (WO)31 1
WK Badger (WO)21 1
S Bardsley (FOS)21 1
DJ Barr (KW)41 1
C Bennett (Ken)11 1
EDP Bourke (WO)11 1
R Bradshaw (Bed)31 1
T Briscoe (War)21 1
GK Broome (Walm)41 1
SJ Bryan (Dro)41 1
MRJ Chapman (WO)31 1
PC Clare (OEd)93 3
A Clarke (Pel)13 3
JI Clifford (WO)13 3
RT Coetzee (OEd)189 9
CR Cooke (OEd)43 3
DP Cooper (Red)21 1
P Copes (FOS)22 2
J Corden (Ken)21 1
S Cox (Red)31 1
JE Day (WO)11 1
SG Day (WO)22 2
M Deeley (Ken)22 2
G Donne (WNT)31 1
IS Duggan (Dro)33 3
N Entwhistle (WNT)22 2
JRF Evans (OEd)156 6
MF Evenson (Dro)11 1
G Eyers (WNT)21 1
A Field (Dro)31 1
R Field (KW)12 2
J Fundak (Ken)21 1
N Gessey (Walm)31 1
CW Gibson (Red)31 1
M Gibson (Walm)21 1
C Griffin (Walm)21 1
P Griffiths (Walm)42 2
M Guy (FOS)11 1
E Harris (SB)42 2
NJ Harris (OEd)187 7
R Harris (SB)31 1
J Hart (Bed)11 1
PL Haynes (Bed)31 1
P Henderson (KW)42 2
M Hoffman (Walm)44 4
A Houghton (Red)24 4
Hounslow (FOS)11 1
MK Hughes (OEd)143 3
P Hyden (Pel)11 1
FW Jones (OEd)22 2
J Jordan (KW)41 1
SD Juckes (Red)22 2
BTB Kantolinna (FOS)41 1
DJ Keyte (WNT)22 2
NY Khan (OEd)51 1
SH Kotak (KW)42 2
RJ Longhorne (FOS)41 1
DA Marillier (Ken)21 1
NG Mason (OEd)178 8
WJP Matthews (Bed)31 1
SR Merry (Red)11 1
M Nell (Dro)21 1
S Newby (FOS)21 1
K Newman (Walm)41 1
RJ Newman (OEd)42 2
JD Nicholls (OEd)184 4
M Parish (War)11 1
A Pearson (Ken)21 1
G Pilgrim (Dro)41 1
RH Pope (OEd)41 1
B Powell (Red)22 2
D Powell (WO)11 1
AR Seal (OEd)94 4
K Smith (Pel)11 1
PA Smith (FOS)21 1
G Stothert (War)12 2
MG Thornton (OEd)74 4
JDT West (OEd)73 3
R Weston (WNT)21 1
D Wheatley (Ken)21 1
KC Williams (Walm)11 1