Fielding in Sheffield Shield 1929/30 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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CW Walker (SAus)611516
JL Ellis (Vic)69615
LPD O'Connor (Qld)512315
DE Pritchard (SAus)614 14
HL Davidson (NSW)411112
VY Richardson (SAus)611 11
A Hurwood (Qld)58 8
TA Carlton (SAus)57 7
VHV Goodwin (Qld)56 6
HSTL Hendry (Vic)66 6
WAS Oldfield (NSW)1336
DD Blackie (Vic)55 5
GW Harris (SAus)65 5
HF Leeson (Qld)1325
EL a'Beckett (Vic)64 4
FM Brew (Qld)44 4
FJ Gough (Qld)64 4
CV Grimmett (SAus)64 4
PM Hornibrook (Qld)34 4
H Ironmonger (Vic)64 4
RM Levy (Qld)44 4
HSB Love (NSW)14 4
SJ McCabe (NSW)64 4
AE Marks (NSW)54 4
J Ryder (Vic)64 4
HE Whitfield (SAus)64 4
AH Allsopp (NSW)53 3
GS Amos (Qld)33 3
EC Bensted (Qld)63 3
HC Chilvers (NSW)43 3
AT Hack (SAus)43 3
BW Hone (SAus)63 3
AA Mailey (NSW)13 3
KLM Mossop (Qld)23 3
KE Rigg (Vic)53 3
DG Bradman (NSW)62 2
FH Dupain (NSW)12 2
CS Everett (NSW)42 2
JEH Hooker (NSW)52 2
AN Marshall (Qld)12 2
WH Ponsford (Vic)62 2
JW Scaife (Vic)62 2
TW Wall (SAus)52 2
WC Andrews (NSW)41 1
RHB Bettington (NSW)11 1
LS Darling (Vic)21 1
RN Ellis (Vic)31 1
AG Fairfax (NSW)61 1
EF Hubbard (Qld)21 1
PK Lee (SAus)11 1
HC Nitschke (SAus)61 1
OE Nothling (Qld)11 1
RK Oxenham (Qld)31 1
GH Palmer (SAus)11 1
HK Sincock (SAus)11 1
HJT Theak (NSW)11 1
FC Thompson (Qld)31 1
HM Thurlow (Qld)51 1