Fielding in Sheffield Shield 1920/21 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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JL Ellis (Vic)412214
WAS Oldfield (NSW)23710
JM Gregory (NSW)46 6
DM Steele (SAus)46 6
CL Winser (SAus)2336
AM Ambler (SAus)2224
HL Collins (NSW)34 4
J Ryder (Vic)44 4
JM Taylor (NSW)44 4
HM Fisher (SAus)33 3
ER Mayne (Vic)43 3
AT Ratcliffe (NSW)1033
TJE Andrews (NSW)42 2
HHM Bridgman (SAus)22 2
H Carter (NSW)1022
HSTL Hendry (NSW)42 2
DM Henry (SAus)22 2
AE Liddicut (Vic)42 2
FA O'Keeffe (NSW)22 2
CE Pellew (SAus)42 2
DE Pritchard (SAus)22 2
AJ Richardson (SAus)42 2
A Smith (SAus)22 2
WW Armstrong (Vic)31 1
W Bardsley (NSW)41 1
FA Baring (Vic)31 1
J Bogle (NSW)31 1
AF Kippax (NSW)11 1
AW Lampard (Vic)41 1
EA McDonald (Vic)31 1
RL Park (Vic)41 1
VS Ransford (Vic)21 1
VY Richardson (SAus)31 1
PD Rundell (SAus)31 1
HB Willsmore (SAus)21 1
AW Wright (SAus)21 1