Fielding in County Championship 1966 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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A Long (Sy)27441155
G Clayton (Sm)28731083
JG Binks (Yor)2847855
APE Knott (Kent)2768876
BSV Timms (Ham)2652860
R Booth (Wo)2861768
BJ Meyer (Gs)2863770
JT Murray (Mx)1521627
B Taylor (Es)2854660
RW Tolchard (Le)2854559
KV Andrew (Nr)2648452
AC Smith (Wk)2752355
EG Clifton (Mx)1123225
DGL Evans (Gm)1931233
K Goodwin (La)2855257
LA Johnson (Nr)2224
JM Parks (Sx)2139241
R Swetman (Nt)2859261
RW Taylor (Dy)2858260
GR Cass (Es)2310111
DJS Taylor (Sy)1213
RN Abberley (Wk)2512 12
DL Acfield (Es)144 4
JM Allan (Wk)1911 11
DA Allen (Gs)2616 16
MHJ Allen (Dy)57 7
WE Alley (Sm)2826 26
DL Amiss (Wk)2413 13
GG Arnold (Sy)128 8
CRM Atkinson (Sm)2811 11
G Atkinson (Sm)283 3
RR Bailey (Nr)106 6
TE Bailey (Es)2014 14
JC Balderstone (Yor)114 4
JD Bannister (Wk)1511 11
RW Barber (Wk)107 7
G Barker (Es)2716 16
HM Barnard (Ham)1120 20
KF Barrington (Sy)1718 18
TI Barwell (Sm)44 4
DL Bates (Sx)257 7
MJ Bear (Es)273 3
AM Beddow (La)42 2
R Bennett (La)21 1
DA Bick (Mx)244 4
J Birkenshaw (Le)177 7
M Bissex (Gs)217 7
JB Bolus (Nt)2612 12
JD Bond (La)215 5
BJ Booth (Le)245 5
G Boycott (Yor)187 7
BM Brain (Wo)122 2
A Brown (Kent)139 9
AS Brown (Gs)2826 26
DJ Brown (Wk)228 8
DWJ Brown (Gs)2516 16
GI Burgess (Sm)126 6
A Buss (Sx)2814 14
MA Buss (Sx)1720 20
IR Buxton (Dy)208 8
RG Caple (Ham)123 3
RGM Carter (Wo)61 1
TW Cartwright (Wk)2423 23
AT Castell (Ham)107 7
EA Clark (Mx)2512 12
A Clarkson (Sm)85 5
DB Close (Yor)2641 41
LJ Coldwell (Wo)204 4
DJ Constant (Le)2310 10
GC Cooper (Sx)53 3
GA Cope (Yor)33 3
EA Cordle (Gm)135 5
RMH Cottam (Ham)185 5
J Cotton (Le)186 6
MC Cowdrey (Kent)1828 28
GF Cross (Le)94 4
BS Crump (Nr)2814 14
FJ Davis (Gm)96 6
RC Davis (Gm)113 3
IJ Davison (Nt)216 6
MH Denness (Kent)2620 20
AL Dixon (Kent)267 7
BL D'Oliveira (Wo)2016 16
AJ Durose (Nr)137 7
JCJ Dye (Kent)165 5
AGE Ealham (Kent)2129 29
RE East (Es)137 7
BEA Edmeades (Es)256 6
RB Edmonds (Wk)156 6
JH Edrich (Sy)2417 17
MJ Edwards (Sy)2040 40
R Entwistle (La)52 2
JR Eyre (Dy)188 8
TJP Eyre (Dy)187 7
CD Fearnley (Wo)91 1
IW Finlay (Sy)32 2
JA Flavell (Wo)253 3
KWR Fletcher (Es)2733 33
C Forbes (Nt)2712 12
DJ Foreman (Sx)2124 24
PJK Gibbs (Dy)51 1
N Gifford (Wo)2714 14
K Gillhouley (Nt)72 2
RMC Gilliat (Ham)75 5
A Gordon (Wk)35 5
TW Graveney (Wo)1915 15
PJ Graves (Sx)1815 15
JR Gray (Ham)54 4
DM Green (La)256 6
T Greenhough (La)163 3
S Greensword (Le)31 1
MG Griffith (Sx)2316 16
T Gunn (Sx)717 17
IW Hall (Dy)1918 18
MR Hallam (Le)2727 27
JH Hampshire (Yor)2620 20
R Harman (Sy)2314 14
MJ Harris (Mx)155 5
L Harrison (Ham)12 2
JF Harvey (Dy)269 9
RGA Headley (Wo)2735 35
B Hedges (Gm)206 6
EJO Hemsley (Wo)52 2
RS Herman (Mx)52 2
K Higgs (La)167 7
LW Hill (Gm)71 1
M Hill (Dy)2315 15
NW Hill (Nt)2519 19
RNS Hobbs (Es)2828 28
RW Hooker (Mx)2116 16
AJM Hooper (Kent)21 1
H Horton (Ham)2714 14
MJ Horton (Wo)265 5
K Howard (La)44 4
R Illingworth (Yor)2117 17
CC Inman (Le)288 8
RD Jackman (Sy)92 2
AB Jackson (Dy)214 4
JA Jameson (Wk)2714 14
RI Jefferson (Sy)235 5
TE Jesty (Ham)12 2
AA Johnson (Nt)129 9
HL Johnson (Dy)2013 13
A Jones (Gm)2817 17
AA Jones (Sx)11 1
EW Jones (Gm)925 25
IJ Jones (Gm)204 4
AM Jorden (Es)2812 12
GL Keith (Ham)69 9
D Kenyon (Wo)227 7
MK Kettle (Nr)21 1
Khalid Ibadulla (Wk)2322 22
JMR King (Gs)22 2
MJ Kitchen (Sm)2815 15
BR Knight (Es)2218 18
GK Knox (La)2323 23
BA Langford (Sm)2712 12
RJ Langridge (Sx)75 5
JDF Larter (Nr)32 2
AH Latchman (Mx)199 9
SE Leary (Kent)2828 28
PRV Ledden (Sx)52 2
LJ Lenham (Sx)2710 10
P Lever (La)261 1
AR Lewis (Gm)2711 11
B Lewis (Gm)41 1
EJ Lewis (Gm)1811 11
A Lightfoot (Nr)124 4
DA Livingstone (Ham)2018 18
D Lloyd (La)2212 12
GAR Lock (Le)2731 31
BW Luckhurst (Kent)2839 39
M Manasseh (Mx)21 1
PT Marner (Le)2834 34
DA Marriott (Sy)72 2
RE Marshall (Ham)2710 10
MD Mence (Gs)146 6
C Milburn (Nr)1719 19
HDS Miller (Gm)33 3
R Miller (Wk)99 9
CA Milton (Gs)2827 27
HI Moore (Nt)2612 12
DC Morgan (Dy)2827 27
I Morris (Gm)410 10
JB Mortimore (Gs)2712 12
DL Murray (Nt)129 9
Mushtaq Mohammad (Nr)2723 23
D Nicholls (Kent)88 8
RB Nicholls (Gs)2814 14
AG Nicholson (Yor)267 7
MEJC Norman (Le)276 6
ASM Oakman (Sx)2821 21
CM Old (Yor)23 3
JA Ormrod (Wo)2720 20
DEV Padgett (Yor)2715 15
MH Page (Dy)2122 22
KE Palmer (Sm)2818 18
PH Parfitt (Mx)2642 42
JM Parkin (Nt)103 3
MAK Pataudi (Sx)2121 21
H Pilling (La)152 2
PI Pocock (Sy)267 7
ER Presland (Es)32 2
JSE Price (Mx)208 8
RM Prideaux (Nr)2614 14
JM Prodger (Kent)1622 22
G Pullar (La)203 3
CT Radley (Mx)1712 12
BL Reed (Ham)2517 17
AHM Rees (Gm)2424 24
BL Reynolds (Nr)2820 20
HJ Rhodes (Dy)223 3
BA Richardson (Wk)43 3
DW Richardson (Wo)2532 32
PJ Robinson (Sm)2632 32
B Roe (Sm)43 3
GRJ Roope (Sy)1014 14
FE Rumsey (Sm)267 7
PE Russell (Dy)74 4
SEJ Russell (Gs)195 5
WE Russell (Mx)2215 15
PJ Sainsbury (Ham)2624 24
JS Savage (Le)255 5
GJ Saville (Es)208 8
DM Sayer (Kent)245 5
ME Scott (Nr)1510 10
T Selwood (Mx)11 1
D Shackleton (Ham)253 3
PJ Sharpe (Yor)2841 41
DJ Shepherd (Gm)287 7
DR Shepherd (Gs)258 8
K Shuttleworth (La)106 6
AMR Sim (Nr)11 1
DNF Slade (Wo)96 6
WD Slade (Gm)1219 19
MJ Smedley (Nt)2616 16
DHK Smith (Dy)11 1
DR Smith (Gs)131 1
E Smith (Dy)2512 12
GJ Smith (Es)21 1
MJ Smith (Mx)165 5
MJK Smith (Wk)2529 29
WA Smith (Sy)176 6
JA Snow (Sx)229 9
CT Spencer (Le)2420 20
JB Statham (La)248 8
B Stead (Nt)177 7
DS Steele (Nr)2730 30
MJ Stewart (Sy)2828 28
RW Stewart (Mx)2111 11
WJP Stewart (Wk)63 3
SJ Storey (Sy)2816 16
J Sullivan (La)154 4
H Sully (Nr)2713 13
KG Suttle (Sx)2817 17
K Taylor (Yor)2310 10
MNS Taylor (Nt)2820 20
RAE Tindall (Sy)1311 11
FJ Titmus (Mx)2111 11
FS Trueman (Yor)2821 21
DR Turner (Ham)21 1
DL Underwood (Kent)2312 12
RT Virgin (Sm)2840 40
PM Walker (Gm)2438 38
JS Waring (Yor)96 6
GS Warner (Wk)11 1
PD Watts (Nr)810 10
PJ Watts (Nr)2733 33
RV Webster (Wk)186 6
KJ Wheatley (Ham)216 6
OS Wheatley (Gm)2810 10
DW White (Ham)264 4
RA White (Nt)2718 18
NB Whittingham (Nt)132 2
MD Willett (Sy)2013 13
R Wills (Nr)57 7
D Wilson (Yor)2712 12
RC Wilson (Kent)2312 12
AR Windows (Gs)207 7
HM Winfield (Nt)12 2
B Wood (La)104 4
DR Worsley (La)1918 18