Fielding in County Championship 1961 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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R Booth (Wo)32731588
JG Binks (Yor)32701282
DG Ufton (Kent)28711283
R Swetman (Sy)28541165
BJ Meyer (Gs)28541064
JT Murray (Mx)1954963
HW Stephenson (Sm)2952961
L Harrison (Ham)2451859
R Julian (Le)2865671
B Taylor (Es)2668674
RW Taylor (Dy)1747653
KV Andrew (Nr)2651556
G Clayton (La)3250555
AC Smith (Wk)2959564
DGL Evans (Gm)3069473
JM Parks (Sx)3073477
G Millman (Nt)2871374
JG Fox (Wk)3426
MOC Sturt (Mx)712113
KG Suttle (Sx)3220121
BSV Timms (Ham)2314
DG A'Court (Gs)214 4
DA Allen (Gs)2118 18
MHJ Allen (Nr)1915 15
WE Alley (Sm)3124 24
DL Amiss (Wk)31 1
FJ Andrew (Gs)22 2
M Ashenden (Nr)52 2
CRM Atkinson (Sm)2715 15
G Atkinson (Sm)2829 29
AA Baig (Sm)62 2
TE Bailey (Es)2720 20
AB Bainbridge (Yor)43 3
DW Baker (Kent)134 4
DO Baldry (Ham)189 9
JD Bannister (Wk)3219 19
RW Barber (La)2912 12
G Barker (Es)2514 14
HM Barnard (Ham)1314 14
RJ Barratt (Le)53 3
KF Barrington (Sy)1425 25
TI Barwell (Sm)21 1
DL Bates (Sx)269 9
MJ Bear (Es)164 4
PI Bedford (Mx)2621 21
EA Bedser (Sy)269 9
RV Bell (Sx)2816 16
D Bennett (Mx)278 8
JR Bernard (Gs)33 3
R Berry (Dy)84 4
DA Bick (Mx)51 1
KD Biddulph (Sm)159 9
AR Bilbie (Nt)21 1
HD Bird (Le)102 2
J Birkenshaw (Le)147 7
M Bissex (Gs)11 1
A Bolton (La)146 6
JB Bolus (Yor)279 9
JD Bond (La)3018 18
BJ Booth (La)275 5
BS Boshier (Le)213 3
JM Brearley (Mx)26 6
WB Bridge (Wk)2918 18
RG Broadbent (Wo)2439 39
PN Broughton (Le)11 1
A Brown (Kent)2515 15
AS Brown (Gs)1817 17
MD Burden (Ham)125 5
A Buss (Sx)52 2
IR Buxton (Dy)2419 19
D Carpenter (Gs)2616 16
DB Carr (Dy)2627 27
RG Carter (Wk)53 3
TW Cartwright (Wk)3218 18
EA Clark (Mx)2517 17
JD Clay (Nt)279 9
DB Close (Yor)2740 40
LJ Coldwell (Wo)325 5
R Collins (La)199 9
B Constable (Sy)2513 13
C Cook (Gs)237 7
GC Cooper (Sx)2619 19
AJ Corran (Nt)177 7
J Cotton (Nt)139 9
MJ Cowan (Yor)43 3
MC Cowdrey (Kent)1216 16
EJ Craig (La)44 4
B Cromack (Le)96 6
GF Cross (Le)78 8
BS Crump (Nr)2722 22
TE Davies (Wo)91 1
IJ Davison (Nt)2524 24
GO Dawkes (Dy)1133 33
G Dews (Wo)3117 17
ER Dexter (Sx)1514 14
MR Dilley (Nr)136 6
AL Dixon (Kent)2812 12
GHG Doggart (Sx)11 1
CD Drybrough (Mx)43 3
MA Eagar (Gs)21 1
JH Edrich (Sy)2219 19
PJ Eele (Sm)34 4
RJ Etheridge (Gs)42 2
JB Evans (Gm)2214 14
TJP Eyre (Dy)85 5
JA Flavell (Wo)2713 13
BE Fletcher (Wk)1116 16
C Forbes (Nt)2814 14
DJ Foreman (Sx)33 3
PR Forman (Nt)44 4
RA Gale (Mx)2811 11
LR Gardner (Le)2011 11
D Gibson (Sy)205 5
N Gifford (Wo)3226 26
K Gillhouley (Yor)2316 16
JR Gray (Ham)3232 32
T Greenhough (La)84 4
WT Greensmith (Es)273 3
CHM Greetham (Sm)2214 14
KJ Grieves (La)3235 35
T Gunn (Sx)34 4
DJ Halfyard (Kent)2813 13
IW Hall (Dy)2421 21
MR Hallam (Le)2852 52
JH Hampshire (Yor)11 1
R Harman (Sy)22 2
BRS Harrison (Ham)23 3
DG Hawkins (Gs)2312 12
RGA Headley (Wo)3218 18
MB Heath (Ham)157 7
B Hedges (Gm)3116 16
K Higgs (La)3015 15
M Hill (Nt)2012 12
NW Hill (Nt)2625 25
C Hilton (La)224 4
MJ Hilton (La)31 1
RE Hitchcock (Wk)3214 14
RNS Hobbs (Es)121 1
RW Hooker (Mx)2437 37
NF Horner (Wk)2510 10
H Horton (Ham)3223 23
MJ Horton (Wo)319 9
G Houlton (La)164 4
K Howard (La)1012 12
RJ Hurst (Mx)65 5
R Illingworth (Yor)2518 18
ACD Ingleby-Mackenzie (Ham)2832 32
DJ Insole (Es)87 7
HL Jackson (Dy)198 8
RI Jefferson (Sy)43 3
HL Johnson (Dy)2511 11
LA Johnson (Nr)27 7
A Jones (Gm)2814 14
EW Jones (Gm)13 3
IJ Jones (Gm)113 3
PH Jones (Kent)2819 19
GL Keith (Sm)36 6
JM Kennedy (Wk)159 9
T Kent (Es)31 1
D Kenyon (Wo)2816 16
Khalid Ibadulla (Wk)1614 14
D Kirby (Le)104 4
BR Knight (Es)2424 24
BA Langford (Sm)3219 19
RJ Langridge (Sx)3140 40
JDF Larter (Nr)218 8
ME Latham (Sm)21 1
JM Lawrence (Sm)94 4
SE Leary (Kent)2219 19
C Lee (Dy)2830 30
LJ Lenham (Sx)3213 13
P Lever (La)51 1
EJ Lewis (Gm)75 5
A Lightfoot (Nr)2221 21
DA Livingstone (Ham)3225 25
PJ Loader (Sy)227 7
GAR Lock (Sy)2134 34
JG Lomax (Sm)2834 34
JE McConnon (Gm)95 5
RG Marlar (Sx)21 1
PT Marner (La)2119 19
RE Marshall (Ham)308 8
PBH May (Sy)1213 13
C Milburn (Nr)149 9
R Miller (Wk)1313 13
D Millner (Dy)123 3
J Milner (Es)2528 28
CA Milton (Gs)2543 43
JH Minney (Nr)22 2
DC Morgan (Dy)2625 25
JB Mortimore (Gs)2616 16
AE Moss (Mx)257 7
DFX Munden (Le)51 1
PA Munden (Le)81 1
RB Nicholls (Gs)2616 16
MEJC Norman (Nr)289 9
RP Oakden (Nt)64 4
ASM Oakman (Sx)3137 37
WF Oates (Dy)2311 11
DEV Padgett (Yor)3011 11
KE Palmer (Sm)3122 22
PH Parfitt (Mx)2832 32
WGA Parkhouse (Gm)2625 25
ABD Parsons (Sy)226 6
AJG Pearson (Sm)53 3
AH Phebey (Kent)1510 10
PJ Phelan (Es)1910 10
RK Platt (Yor)1812 12
CJ Poole (Nt)2624 24
IC Potter (Kent)21 1
FR Pountain (Sx)199 9
RL Pratt (Le)1919 19
JS Pressdee (Gm)3225 25
KC Preston (Es)2723 23
JSE Price (Mx)53 3
RM Prideaux (Kent)2216 16
JM Prodger (Kent)1220 20
CTM Pugh (Gs)128 8
G Pullar (La)225 5
JH Purves (Es)31 1
LHR Ralph (Es)1916 16
D Ramsamooj (Nr)2212 12
DP Ratcliffe (Wk)86 6
AHM Rees (Gm)177 7
BL Reynolds (Nr)2617 17
HJ Rhodes (Dy)2414 14
WE Rhodes (Nt)52 2
DW Richardson (Wo)3259 59
GW Richardson (Dy)41 1
PE Richardson (Kent)2727 27
TMN Riley (Wk)82 2
B Roe (Sm)279 9
FE Rumsey (Wo)42 2
SEJ Russell (Mx)71 1
WE Russell (Mx)2723 23
M Ryan (Yor)2010 10
PJ Sainsbury (Ham)3245 45
JS Savage (Le)2810 10
LA Savill (Es)113 3
DM Sayer (Kent)153 3
ME Scott (Nr)1612 12
D Shackleton (Ham)3212 12
PJ Sharpe (Yor)2837 37
DJ Shepherd (Gm)327 7
RT Simpson (Nt)123 3
DNF Slade (Wo)21 1
WD Slade (Gm)1321 21
DR Smith (Gs)2725 25
DV Smith (Sx)2913 13
E Smith (Dy)209 9
GJ Smith (Es)2715 15
MJ Smith (Mx)1011 11
MJK Smith (Wk)2753 53
CT Spencer (Le)2613 13
JD Springall (Nt)93 3
JA Standen (Wo)2625 25
JB Statham (La)205 5
MJ Stewart (Sy)2633 33
WJP Stewart (Wk)2213 13
SJ Storey (Sy)79 9
WB Stott (Yor)2413 13
R Subba Row (Nr)1514 14
H Sully (Sm)42 2
R Swallow (Dy)64 4
DAD Sydenham (Sy)148 8
JF Taylor (Es)75 5
K Taylor (Yor)2522 22
RG Thompson (Wk)2411 11
NI Thomson (Sx)3111 11
RH Thomson (Sx)22 2
RAE Tindall (Sy)118 8
FJ Titmus (Mx)2819 19
FS Trueman (Yor)219 9
J van Geloven (Le)2822 22
RT Virgin (Sm)96 6
RC Vowles (Nt)51 1
PM Walker (Gm)3165 65
DJ Ward (Gm)2621 21
AR Wassell (Ham)1822 22
RHC Waters (Sx)11 1
AJ Watkins (Gm)73 3
W Watson (Le)1715 15
PD Watts (Nr)126 6
PJ Watts (Nr)2011 11
BD Wells (Nt)2810 10
A Wharton (Le)2426 26
OS Wheatley (Gm)2710 10
A Wheelhouse (Nt)11 1
DW White (Ham)3012 12
RA White (Mx)31 1
AGT Whitehead (Sm)11 1
PB Wight (Sm)3121 21
J Wild (Nr)84 4
MD Willett (Sy)2817 17
JG Williamson (Nr)105 5
D Wilson (Yor)75 5
JV Wilson (Yor)3050 50
RC Wilson (Kent)2719 19
AR Windows (Gs)31 1
HM Winfield (Nt)2017 17
A Wright (Wk)144 4
DM Young (Gs)148 8