312 | JER Gallian | Lancashire v Derbyshire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42499 |
275* | MJ Walker | Kent v Somerset | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42537 |
241 | GD Lloyd | Lancashire v Essex | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42441 |
239 | CJ Adams | Derbyshire v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42442 |
235 | SP James | Glamorgan v Nottinghamshire | Town Ground, Worksop | f42519 |
218 | JJ Whitaker | Leicestershire v Yorkshire | Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford | f42467 |
215 | A Habib | Leicestershire v Worcestershire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42414 |
214* | DM Jones | Derbyshire v Yorkshire | Abbeydale Park, Sheffield | f42406 |
214 | MP Maynard | Glamorgan v Lancashire | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42510 |
213 | MD Moxon | Yorkshire v Glamorgan | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42388 |
212 | TM Moody | Worcestershire v Nottinghamshire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42456 |
210* | DJG Sales | Northamptonshire v Worcestershire | Chester Road North, Kidderminster | f42505 |
207 | PD Bowler | Somerset v Surrey | County Ground, Taunton | f42393 |
205 | MB Loye | Northamptonshire v Yorkshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42585 |
204 | VJ Wells | Leicestershire v Northamptonshire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42517 |
204 | NH Fairbrother | Lancashire v Warwickshire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42588 |
203 | PA Cottey | Glamorgan v Leicestershire | St Helen's, Swansea | f42526 |
202* | H Morris | Glamorgan v Yorkshire | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42388 |
201* | RJ Warren | Northamptonshire v Glamorgan | County Ground, Northampton | f42402 |
201 | GA Gooch | Essex v Somerset | County Ground, Taunton | f42530 |
200* | KJ Barnett | Derbyshire v Leicestershire | County Ground, Derby | f42386 |
200 | VJ Wells | Leicestershire v Yorkshire | Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford | f42467 |
197 | VJ Wells | Leicestershire v Essex | Grace Road, Leicester | f42488 |
190 | BF Smith | Leicestershire v Glamorgan | St Helen's, Swansea | f42526 |
185 | GP Thorpe | Surrey v Derbyshire | The Foster's Oval, Kennington | f42435 |
184 | RT Robinson | Nottinghamshire v Durham | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42434 |
184 | MGN Windows | Gloucestershire v Warwickshire | College Ground, Cheltenham | f42511 |
183 | MP Vaughan | Yorkshire v Glamorgan | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42388 |
183 | MP Vaughan | Yorkshire v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42585 |
181 | C White | Yorkshire v Lancashire | Headingley, Leeds | f42552 |
179 | RA Smith | Hampshire v Northamptonshire | May's Bounty, Basingstoke | f42459 |
178 | ME Trescothick | Somerset v Hampshire | County Ground, Taunton | f42520 |
176 | AJ Moles | Warwickshire v Middlesex | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42473 |
174* | BF Smith | Leicestershire v Kent | Grace Road, Leicester | f42439 |
172 | SG Law | Essex v Durham | Park Drive, Hartlepool | f42508 |
171 | MW Gatting | Middlesex v Durham | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42401 |
171* | WPC Weston | Worcestershire v Lancashire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42487 |
171 | PV Simmons | Leicestershire v Durham | Riverside Ground, Chester-le-Street | f42571 |
171* | PN Weekes | Middlesex v Somerset | Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge | f42575 |
170* | GA Gooch | Essex v Glamorgan | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42581 |
169 | MR Ramprakash | Middlesex v Warwickshire | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42473 |
169 | TM Moody | Worcestershire v Northamptonshire | Chester Road North, Kidderminster | f42505 |
168* | DA Reeve | Warwickshire v Sussex | County Ground, Hove | f42405 |
168 | JJ Whitaker | Leicestershire v Worcestershire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42414 |
168 | PCL Holloway | Somerset v Middlesex | Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge | f42575 |
167* | S Lee | Somerset v Worcestershire | Recreation Ground, Bath | f42460 |
165 | CM Wells | Derbyshire v Glamorgan | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42412 |
164 | AJ Moles | Warwickshire v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42433 |
163 | SP Titchard | Lancashire v Essex | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42441 |
163 | RJ Bailey | Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42444 |
161 | TR Ward | Kent v Yorkshire | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42424 |
161 | RA Smith | Hampshire v Nottinghamshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42583 |
160* | MG Bevan | Yorkshire v Surrey | Acklam Park, Middlesbrough | f42448 |
160 | MA Butcher | Surrey v Durham | Grangefield Road, Stockton-on-Tees | f42462 |
160 | PN Weekes | Middlesex v Somerset | Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge | f42575 |
158 | N Hussain | Essex v Yorkshire | Headingley, Leeds | f42561 |
155 | CL Hooper | Kent v Essex | Valentine's Park, Ilford | f42411 |
154 | GP Thorpe | Surrey v Leicestershire | The Foster's Oval, Kennington | f42455 |
154* | K Greenfield | Sussex v Glamorgan | County Ground, Hove | f42465 |
150 | GA Hick | Worcestershire v Durham | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42501 |
150 | KM Curran | Northamptonshire v Leicestershire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42517 |
150* | SM Pollock | Warwickshire v Glamorgan | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42541 |
149 | GA Gooch | Essex v Surrey | Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea | f42471 |
149 | MW Alleyne | Gloucestershire v Worcestershire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42577 |
149 | H Morris | Glamorgan v Essex | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42581 |
148 | GA Hick | Worcestershire v Kent | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42516 |
148 | SP James | Glamorgan v Warwickshire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42541 |
147 | GA Gooch | Essex v Warwickshire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42567 |
145* | MP Maynard | Glamorgan v Gloucestershire | The Royal and Sun Alliance County Ground, Bristol | f42485 |
145 | NJ Lenham | Sussex v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42549 |
145* | VC Drakes | Sussex v Essex | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42572 |
144 | KR Spiring | Worcestershire v Hampshire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42436 |
144 | SG Law | Essex v Lancashire | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42441 |
144 | NH Fairbrother | Lancashire v Somerset | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42472 |
143 | SG Law | Essex v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42399 |
143* | PV Simmons | Leicestershire v Warwickshire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42427 |
143* | S Hutton | Durham v Gloucestershire | Riverside Ground, Chester-le-Street | f42470 |
143 | GP Thorpe | Surrey v Essex | Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea | f42471 |
143 | GF Archer | Nottinghamshire v Surrey | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42550 |
142 | GD Lloyd | Lancashire v Glamorgan | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42510 |
142* | PV Simmons | Leicestershire v Middlesex | Grace Road, Leicester | f42584 |
141 | RA Smith | Hampshire v Derbyshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42442 |
141 | KJ Barnett | Derbyshire v Somerset | County Ground, Taunton | f42565 |
140 | JER Gallian | Lancashire v Worcestershire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42487 |
140 | PN Weekes | Middlesex v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42500 |
140 | AP Grayson | Essex v Middlesex | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42518 |
138* | TM Moody | Worcestershire v Hampshire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42436 |
138 | D Byas | Yorkshire v Hampshire | St George's Road, Harrogate | f42502 |
138* | NJ Speak | Lancashire v Glamorgan | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42510 |
137 | A McGrath | Yorkshire v Hampshire | St George's Road, Harrogate | f42502 |
136 | MP Maynard | Glamorgan v Yorkshire | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42388 |
136 | MG Bevan | Yorkshire v Derbyshire | Abbeydale Park, Sheffield | f42406 |
136* | CJ Adams | Derbyshire v Middlesex | County Ground, Derby | f42461 |
136 | RJ Harden | Somerset v Kent | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42537 |
135* | PA Cottey | Glamorgan v Derbyshire | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42412 |
135 | MP Vaughan | Yorkshire v Surrey | Acklam Park, Middlesbrough | f42448 |
134 | WK Hegg | Lancashire v Leicestershire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42400 |
134 | TL Penney | Warwickshire v Sussex | County Ground, Hove | f42405 |
134 | MR Ramprakash | Middlesex v Yorkshire | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42432 |
134 | S Lee | Somerset v Yorkshire | North Marine Road, Scarborough | f42506 |
132 | NV Knight | Warwickshire v Sussex | County Ground, Hove | f42405 |
131 | AS Rollins | Derbyshire v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42442 |
131 | MD Moxon | Yorkshire v Warwickshire | Headingley, Leeds | f42457 |
131 | SP James | Glamorgan v Surrey | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42573 |
130 | GA Gooch | Essex v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42399 |
130 | DA Blenkiron | Durham v Nottinghamshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42434 |
130 | GP Thorpe | Surrey v Sussex | Woodbridge Road, Guildford | f42495 |
130 | WG Khan | Warwickshire v Durham | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42532 |
130* | KR Spiring | Worcestershire v Derbyshire | Queen's Park, Chesterfield | f42555 |
130 | NJ Llong | Kent v Hampshire | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42574 |
129 | AP Grayson | Essex v Lancashire | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42441 |
129 | JJ Whitaker | Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42564 |
129 | AJ Hollioake | Surrey v Northamptonshire | The Foster's Oval, Kennington | f42566 |
129* | DJ Bicknell | Surrey v Worcestershire | The Foster's Oval, Kennington | f42586 |
128 | AJ Hollioake | Surrey v Somerset | County Ground, Taunton | f42393 |
128 | GA Gooch | Essex v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42451 |
128 | AJ Hollioake | Surrey v Essex | Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea | f42471 |
128 | AA Metcalfe | Nottinghamshire v Glamorgan | Town Ground, Worksop | f42519 |
127 | SA Marsh | Kent v Essex | Valentine's Park, Ilford | f42411 |
127 | A Symonds | Gloucestershire v Warwickshire | College Ground, Cheltenham | f42511 |
127 | AS Rollins | Derbyshire v Somerset | County Ground, Taunton | f42565 |
127 | RR Montgomerie | Northamptonshire v Yorkshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42585 |
126 | WG Khan | Warwickshire v Essex | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42567 |
126 | S Lee | Somerset v Sussex | County Ground, Hove | f42587 |
125 | TL Penney | Warwickshire v Yorkshire | Headingley, Leeds | f42457 |
125 | CJ Adams | Derbyshire v Middlesex | County Ground, Derby | f42461 |
125 | SG Law | Essex v Surrey | Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea | f42471 |
124* | K Greenfield | Sussex v Durham | County Ground, Hove | f42447 |
124 | TM Moody | Worcestershire v Middlesex | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42539 |
123 | GA Hick | Worcestershire v Hampshire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42436 |
123 | CJ Adams | Derbyshire v Worcestershire | Queen's Park, Chesterfield | f42555 |
122 | RT Robinson | Nottinghamshire v Lancashire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42415 |
122* | MP Speight | Sussex v Derbyshire | County Ground, Hove | f42531 |
122 | DA Leatherdale | Worcestershire v Sussex | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42568 |
122 | AP Wells | Sussex v Essex | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42572 |
122 | MP Maynard | Glamorgan v Essex | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42581 |
121* | WPC Weston | Worcestershire v Glamorgan | Pen-y-Pound, Abergavenny | f42421 |
121 | D Gough | Yorkshire v Warwickshire | Headingley, Leeds | f42457 |
121* | SP Titchard | Lancashire v Somerset | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42472 |
120 | A Dale | Glamorgan v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42402 |
120 | RR Montgomerie | Northamptonshire v Essex | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42451 |
120 | MA Butcher | Surrey v Leicestershire | The Foster's Oval, Kennington | f42455 |
120 | GF Archer | Nottinghamshire v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42583 |
119* | P Moores | Sussex v Surrey | Woodbridge Road, Guildford | f42495 |
119 | CJ Adams | Derbyshire v Lancashire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42499 |
119 | BP Julian | Surrey v Lancashire | Trafalgar Road, Southport | f42524 |
119 | VJ Wells | Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42564 |
118* | KD James | Hampshire v Warwickshire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42418 |
118 | SL Campbell | Durham v Nottinghamshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42434 |
118 | SP James | Glamorgan v Gloucestershire | The Royal and Sun Alliance County Ground, Bristol | f42485 |
118 | TS Curtis | Worcestershire v Middlesex | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42539 |
118 | H Morris | Glamorgan v Kent | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42547 |
117* | AJ Hollioake | Surrey v Somerset | County Ground, Taunton | f42393 |
117 | WKM Benjamin | Hampshire v Essex | County Ground, Southampton | f42399 |
117 | A Symonds | Gloucestershire v Nottinghamshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42464 |
117 | KM Curran | Northamptonshire v Sussex | County Ground, Northampton | f42549 |
117 | BP Julian | Surrey v Northamptonshire | The Foster's Oval, Kennington | f42566 |
116 | THC Hancock | Gloucestershire v Surrey | Archdeacon Meadow, Gloucester | f42422 |
116 | NJ Llong | Kent v Derbyshire | County Ground, Derby | f42507 |
116 | MV Fleming | Kent v Derbyshire | County Ground, Derby | f42507 |
115 | SG Law | Essex v Kent | Valentine's Park, Ilford | f42411 |
114 | MB Loye | Northamptonshire v Somerset | County Ground, Taunton | f42426 |
114 | MV Fleming | Kent v Leicestershire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42439 |
114 | CL Cairns | Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42464 |
113 | AN Aymes | Hampshire v Essex | County Ground, Southampton | f42399 |
113* | S Lee | Somerset v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Taunton | f42426 |
113 | AP Wells | Sussex v Durham | County Ground, Hove | f42447 |
113 | JER Gallian | Lancashire v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42576 |
113 | GD Lloyd | Lancashire v Warwickshire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42588 |
112 | MA Butcher | Surrey v Yorkshire | Acklam Park, Middlesbrough | f42448 |
112 | PA Cottey | Glamorgan v Somerset | St Helen's, Swansea | f42452 |
112 | PD Bowler | Somerset v Worcestershire | Recreation Ground, Bath | f42460 |
112 | MP Maynard | Glamorgan v Sussex | County Ground, Hove | f42465 |
112* | JP Crawley | Lancashire v Sussex | County Ground, Hove | f42560 |
111 | GR Cowdrey | Kent v Essex | Valentine's Park, Ilford | f42411 |
111* | RT Robinson | Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42456 |
111 | GA Gooch | Essex v Gloucestershire | Castle Park Cricket Ground, Colchester | f42546 |
111 | JC Pooley | Middlesex v Hampshire | United Services Ground, Portsmouth | f42554 |
111 | CWJ Athey | Sussex v Lancashire | County Ground, Hove | f42560 |
110 | JJ Whitaker | Leicestershire v Derbyshire | County Ground, Derby | f42386 |
110* | RC Irani | Essex v Worcestershire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42394 |
110 | SP James | Glamorgan v Somerset | St Helen's, Swansea | f42452 |
110 | S Lee | Somerset v Derbyshire | County Ground, Taunton | f42565 |
110 | SJ Rhodes | Worcestershire v Sussex | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42568 |
110 | MR Ramprakash | Middlesex v Somerset | Uxbridge Cricket Club Ground, Uxbridge | f42575 |
109 | KR Spiring | Worcestershire v Yorkshire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42475 |
109* | RJ Blakey | Yorkshire v Lancashire | Headingley, Leeds | f42552 |
109* | TJG O'Gorman | Derbyshire v Worcestershire | Queen's Park, Chesterfield | f42555 |
109 | MN Lathwell | Somerset v Derbyshire | County Ground, Taunton | f42565 |
109 | P Johnson | Nottinghamshire v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42583 |
108 | PN Weekes | Middlesex v Kent | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42454 |
108 | H Morris | Glamorgan v Gloucestershire | The Royal and Sun Alliance County Ground, Bristol | f42485 |
108 | TM Moody | Worcestershire v Lancashire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42487 |
108 | PV Simmons | Leicestershire v Hampshire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42548 |
108 | MR Ramprakash | Middlesex v Hampshire | United Services Ground, Portsmouth | f42554 |
108 | RA Kettleborough | Yorkshire v Essex | Headingley, Leeds | f42561 |
108 | PJ Prichard | Essex v Warwickshire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42567 |
107 | MG Bevan | Yorkshire v Middlesex | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42432 |
107 | SM Pollock | Warwickshire v Northamptonshire | County Ground, Northampton | f42433 |
107 | DM Jones | Derbyshire v Lancashire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42499 |
107 | TS Curtis | Worcestershire v Northamptonshire | Chester Road North, Kidderminster | f42505 |
107 | MP Dowman | Nottinghamshire v Surrey | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42550 |
106 | TR Ward | Kent v Lancashire | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42389 |
106 | AJ Wright | Gloucestershire v Middlesex | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42390 |
106 | PA Nixon | Leicestershire v Lancashire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42400 |
106 | DJ Bicknell | Surrey v Durham | Grangefield Road, Stockton-on-Tees | f42462 |
106 | TM Moody | Worcestershire v Northamptonshire | Chester Road North, Kidderminster | f42505 |
106 | H Morris | Glamorgan v Leicestershire | St Helen's, Swansea | f42526 |
106 | CJ Adams | Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire | County Ground, Derby | f42535 |
106 | GA Hick | Worcestershire v Gloucestershire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42577 |
106* | AF Giles | Warwickshire v Lancashire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42588 |
105 | JEH Owen | Derbyshire v Glamorgan | Sophia Gardens, Cardiff | f42412 |
105 | CL Hooper | Kent v Durham | Mote Park, Maidstone | f42486 |
105 | DM Jones | Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire | County Ground, Derby | f42535 |
105 | JS Laney | Hampshire v Kent | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42574 |
104 | TM Moody | Worcestershire v Leicestershire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42414 |
104 | M Keech | Hampshire v Sussex | Arundel Castle Cricket Club Ground, Arundel | f42482 |
104 | KM Krikken | Derbyshire v Lancashire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42499 |
104* | AJ Hollioake | Surrey v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42512 |
103 | P Johnson | Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42444 |
103 | DJ Millns | Leicestershire v Essex | Grace Road, Leicester | f42488 |
103 | DJ Capel | Northamptonshire v Worcestershire | Chester Road North, Kidderminster | f42505 |
103 | CL Hooper | Kent v Derbyshire | County Ground, Derby | f42507 |
103 | KJ Barnett | Derbyshire v Nottinghamshire | County Ground, Derby | f42535 |
103 | SP James | Glamorgan v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42562 |
103 | VC Drakes | Sussex v Worcestershire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42568 |
103* | PA Nixon | Leicestershire v Durham | Riverside Ground, Chester-le-Street | f42571 |
103* | WS Kendall | Hampshire v Nottinghamshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42583 |
103 | NV Knight | Warwickshire v Lancashire | Edgbaston, Birmingham | f42588 |
102* | DA Blenkiron | Durham v Hampshire | United Services Ground, Portsmouth | f42423 |
102 | CWJ Athey | Sussex v Durham | County Ground, Hove | f42447 |
102 | JS Laney | Hampshire v Glamorgan | County Ground, Southampton | f42562 |
101 | JEH Owen | Derbyshire v Yorkshire | Abbeydale Park, Sheffield | f42406 |
101 | A McGrath | Yorkshire v Kent | St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury | f42424 |
101 | GA Gooch | Essex v Lancashire | County Ground, Chelmsford | f42441 |
101 | TL Penney | Warwickshire v Middlesex | Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood | f42473 |
101* | PA Cottey | Glamorgan v Gloucestershire | The Royal and Sun Alliance County Ground, Bristol | f42485 |
101 | N Shahid | Surrey v Hampshire | County Ground, Southampton | f42512 |
101* | DL Maddy | Leicestershire v Northamptonshire | Grace Road, Leicester | f42517 |
100* | NJ Lenham | Sussex v Nottinghamshire | Trent Bridge, Nottingham | f42391 |
100* | GP Thorpe | Surrey v Somerset | County Ground, Taunton | f42393 |
100* | AN Aymes | Hampshire v Worcestershire | County Ground, New Road, Worcester | f42436 |
100* | RJ Turner | Somerset v Worcestershire | Recreation Ground, Bath | f42460 |
100* | DM Jones | Derbyshire v Middlesex | County Ground, Derby | f42461 |
100 | CWJ Athey | Sussex v Yorkshire | The Saffrons, Eastbourne | f42522 |
100* | JP Crawley | Lancashire v Hampshire | Old Trafford, Manchester | f42538 |
100* | WPC Weston | Worcestershire v Derbyshire | Queen's Park, Chesterfield | f42555 |