Players who have played for Whitmore and Newcastle Second XI or for associated teams

V Bailey 1956
B Billington 1955-1957
Bourne 1958
G Bourne 1956
Bucknall 1955
G Bucknall 1958
G Cameron 1957-1958
J Cooper 1958
Daley 1955
D Daley 1958
Finney 1955
DS Furnival 1956
RJ Furnival 1955-1957
J Gee 1955-1957
M Haynes 1958
R Hollowood 1955-1957
S Lenter 1956
Lister 1957
S Lister 1956
K Lovewell 1956-1957
LK Lovewell 1956-1957
J Lowe 1956-1957
K Lowe 1955-1958
T Matthews 1958
Mead 1955
D Mulrooney 1958
G Nelson 1956-1957
V Owen 1956-1957
Pashley 1955
Roberts 1955
W Roberts 1958
M Watkin 1956-1957
N Welling 1956
Wells 1958