Players who have played for Royal Horse Guards Officers or for associated teams

Baillie 1848-1869
Baillie 1848-1849
DJ Baillie 1848-1869
H Baillie 1857-1858
W Baillie 1848
Bateson 1855
F Berkeley 1848-1859
Bloxham 1869
Chitty 1851-1859
A Congreve 1855
Cornish 1857
W Craven 1855
Dale 1869
J Dormer 1852-1854
Viscount Dupplin 1855
Lord Garlies 1855-1866
J Harpley 1869
WW Hartopp 1857-1869
G Hill 1855-1859
F Hogge 1855
Howard 1848-1854
CRS Ives 1869
C Jacques 1869
J Jones 1854
T Jones 1854-1859
Lord Kilmarnock 1869
Knight 1848-1854
HB Lane 1855
R McAlpine 1869
Malcolm 1849
Martin 1866
A Massenberd 1851
A Massenberg 1850
Metcalf 1854-1857
GW Milles 1848-1859
OGP Montagu 1866-1869
JGC Moore 1869
Newton 1866
E of Guilford 1869
G Paget 1866
HK Peach 1858
HR Peach 1859
OK Peake 1854
Pettingale 1849-1850
Pettingall 1848-1851
Randall 1869
CF Rushout 1869
Saunders 1848-1851
Saunders 1854-1857
Siggins 1866
Smyth 1869
Stanford 1858
Stanhope 1851-1854
Lord GPCA Stanhope 1859
G Stiring 1866
G Stirling 1869
Thompson 1851-1853
W Thompson 1858-1859
Thornton 1848-1854
R Thornton 1857-1859
Trelawney 1858
H Trelawney 1848
Trelawny 1849-1853
Venn 1848-1854
Vyse 1855
Wade 1852
HE Westcar 1866
OLC Williams 1866-1869
HH Wombwell 1866-1869