Players who have played for Portsmouth and Southsea (1937)

S Alexander 1980-1989
J Anthony 1983-1987
M Aylett 1980
P Baines 1980-1982
P Balls 1981
B Bryant 1938
P Carmichael 1982
IA Chaplen 1987-1989
IR Chaplen 1986-1989
HMA Cocks 1938
J Davidson 1938
TR Durston 1980-1989
P Eburne 1982-1986
J Elliott 1978-1987
A Faithwaite 1986
S Field 1980-1989
N Gast 1987
K Green 1982
M Hamson 1978
D Harris 1989
N Hawkins 1986
D Hellier 1978-1980
H Higgins 1938
M Howarth 1989
M Howorth 1986-1987
P Howorth 1982-1987
T Jacobs 1978-1987
M Jenkins 1983-1987
CA Jolliffe 1938
R Jones 1978-1989
B Keeling 1978-1989
B Kelling 1980
N Le Bon 1978
M Munday 1983
S Munday 1978-1987
M O'Connell 1983
JP Parker 1938
K Paver 1938
M Pitcher 1983
D Privett 1938
V Pugsley 1938
S Russell 1981
AF Seal 1938
R Standen 1982
N Taylor 1978-1980
D Thompson 1981
A Winsor 1989
P Winsor 1978-1989
J Winter 1978
Yeo 1938