Players who have played for Bankstown and Canterbury

L Andrews 1972/73-1975/76
D Bourne 1967/68-1975/76
NW Bracken 1996/97
J Brand 1973/74-1974/75
J Bull 1970/71-1971/72
D Cathro 1967/68
F Cicutto 1975/76
J Convery 1967/68-1969/70
J Corbett 1969/70-1973/74
L D'Costa 1972/73
SA Deitz 1996/97
A Divall 1996/97
G Dunn 1968/69
J Dunn 1967/68-1975/76
K Ferguson 1967/68
A Fisher 1973/74
M Fisher 1973/74-1974/75
N Girardin 1972/73
I Gorman 1967/68-1974/75
R Grange 1971/72-1972/73
S Grant 1996/97
G Heggie 1969/70
D Hinks 1967/68
WJ Holdsworth 1996/97
C Jones 1973/74
K Jones 1968/69
I King 1967/68
R Lamaro 1972/73-1975/76
A Lamb 1972/73
K McDonald 1974/75-1975/76
T McDonald 1972/73-1975/76
D Madden 1967/68-1975/76
I Madden 1969/70-1971/72
RH Madden 1967/68-1974/75
LS Pascoe 1968/69-1975/76
D Paul 1967/68
D Paull 1967/68-1968/69
B Pitty 1975/76
GK Pitty 1975/76
SC Pope 1996/97
TT Radanovic 1968/69-1975/76
CJ Richards 1996/97
K Robinson 1971/72
KJ Scully 1969/70-1974/75
SM Small 1973/74-1975/76
BJ Thebridge 1970/71-1974/75
G Thomas 1969/70
G Thompson 1968/69
J Thompson 1969/70-1971/72
J Thomson 1969/70-1973/74
G Thorpe 1973/74
K Thorpe 1967/68-1975/76
GP Trevena 1996/97
K Tyson 1967/68-1968/69
B Urry 1969/70-1970/71
RT Vidler 1975/76
R Waddington 1969/70
DJ Waugh 1996/97
DP Waugh 1996/97
TA Woodhill 1996/97
R Wyatt 1972/73