ListA Batting and Fielding in West Indies for 1971/72 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
V Bute (Wwd)11077  7.00001 
KO Campbell (NZ)1104646  46.00000 
BE Congdon (NZ)10      0 
RS Cunis (NZ)10      0 
D Defoe (Wwd)11033  3.00000 
TM Findlay (Wwd)11199* 001 
ML Francis (Wwd)11088  8.00000 
G Gibbs (Wwd)11000  0.00000 
BF Hastings (NZ)1104949  49.00000 
D Haynes (Wwd)11011  1.00000 
HJ Howarth (NZ)10      1 
TW Jarvis (NZ)1101111  11.00000 
BM Mauricette (Wwd)11055  5.00000 
RW Morgan (NZ)11000  0.00000 
N Phillip (Wwd)1101111  11.00000 
LC Sebastien (Wwd)1105858  58.00010 
GC Shillingford (Wwd)11099  9.00000 
IT Shillingford (Wwd)1103636  36.00000 
GE Vivian (NZ)1112323* 000 
JR Vogtherr (NZ)10      0 
KJ Wadsworth (NZ)1112929* 0011
MG Webb (NZ)10      0