Henry Bagshaw as Umpire in First-Class Matches (234)

Officials are not known for all matches on the database - if you can fill in any missing details please contact us
9th May 1907 County Championship 1907  Somerset v Yorkshire County Ground, Taunton f7093
13th May 1907 County Championship 1907  Gloucestershire v Yorkshire Ashley Down Ground, Bristol f7097
20th May 1907 County Championship 1907  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester f7110
23rd May 1907 County Championship 1907  Middlesex v Gloucestershire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood f7119
30th May 1907 County Championship 1907  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7132
6th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Leyton f7144
10th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Warwickshire v Lancashire Edgbaston, Birmingham f7156
17th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Lancashire v Worcestershire Old Trafford, Manchester f7166
20th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Worcestershire v Somerset County Ground, New Road, Worcester f7176
24th June 1907 County Championship 1907  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7181
22nd July 1907 County Championship 1907  Nottinghamshire v Gloucestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7230
25th July 1907 County Championship 1907  Middlesex v Nottinghamshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood f7237
29th July 1907 County Championship 1907  Essex v Northamptonshire Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea f7241
1st August 1907 County Championship 1907  Essex v Surrey Southchurch Park, Southend-on-Sea f7247
8th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Essex v Sussex County Ground, Leyton f7263
19th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f7290
26th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Sussex v Yorkshire County Ground, Hove f7302
29th August 1907 County Championship 1907  Surrey v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington f7308
7th May 1908 County Championship 1908  Northamptonshire v Yorkshire County Ground, Northampton f7360
21st May 1908 County Championship 1908  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton f7379
28th May 1908 County Championship 1908  Leicestershire v Surrey Aylestone Road, Leicester f7393
11th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Somerset v Gloucestershire Recreation Ground, Bath f7425
15th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Somerset v Hampshire Recreation Ground, Bath f7429
18th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Worcestershire v Hampshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester f7438
25th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7451
29th June 1908 County Championship 1908  Yorkshire v Somerset Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury f7462
13th July 1908 County Championship 1908  Sussex v Somerset County Ground, Hove f7483
20th July 1908 County Championship 1908  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Leyton f7492
27th July 1908 County Championship 1908  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Aylestone Road, Leicester f7508
30th July 1908 County Championship 1908  Nottinghamshire v Sussex Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7515
6th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Warwickshire v Gloucestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham f7531
10th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7538
13th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Lancashire v Middlesex Aigburth, Liverpool f7543
17th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Bramall Lane, Sheffield f7556
20th August 1908 Gentlemen of Philadelphia in British Isles 1908  Nottinghamshire v Gentlemen of Philadelphia Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7562
24th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Middlesex v Kent Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood f7565
27th August 1908 County Championship 1908  Middlesex v Essex Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood f7573
3rd May 1909 County Championship 1909  Surrey v Northamptonshire Kennington Oval, Kennington f7625
13th May 1909 County Championship 1909  Sussex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Hove f7639
17th May 1909 County Championship 1909  Yorkshire v Essex Headingley, Leeds f7648
27th May 1909 County Championship 1909  Lancashire v Essex Aigburth, Liverpool f7664
31st May 1909 County Championship 1909  Somerset v Gloucestershire County Ground, Taunton f7674
3rd June 1909 County Championship 1909  Gloucestershire v Sussex Ashley Down Ground, Bristol f7677
10th June 1909 County Championship 1909  Lancashire v Sussex Old Trafford, Manchester f7696
17th June 1909 County Championship 1909  Nottinghamshire v Northamptonshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7709
5th July 1909 Australia in British Isles 1909  Warwickshire v Australians Edgbaston, Birmingham f7745
8th July 1909 County Championship 1909  Leicestershire v Yorkshire Aylestone Road, Leicester f7750
12th July 1909 County Championship 1909  Warwickshire v Sussex Edgbaston, Birmingham f7756
15th July 1909 County Championship 1909  Northamptonshire v Gloucestershire County Ground, Northampton f7760
22nd July 1909 County Championship 1909  Kent v Surrey The Rectory Field, Blackheath f7774
26th July 1909 County Championship 1909  Sussex v Middlesex County Ground, Hove f7785
2nd August 1909 County Championship 1909  Northamptonshire v Leicestershire County Ground, Northampton f7793
5th August 1909 County Championship 1909  Surrey v Middlesex Kennington Oval, Kennington f7802
9th August 1909 County Championship 1909  Somerset v Surrey County Ground, Taunton f7808
12th August 1909 County Championship 1909  Somerset v Kent County Ground, Taunton f7814
19th August 1909 County Championship 1909  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7828
26th August 1909 County Championship 1909  Essex v Yorkshire County Ground, Leyton f7839
2nd September 1909 Other First-Class matches in England 1909  Yorkshire v Marylebone Cricket Club North Marine Road, Scarborough f7853
16th May 1910 County Championship 1910  Leicestershire v Northamptonshire Aylestone Road, Leicester f7925
23rd May 1910 County Championship 1910  Yorkshire v Somerset Bramall Lane, Sheffield f7942
26th May 1910 County Championship 1910  Lancashire v Somerset Old Trafford, Manchester f7945
2nd June 1910 County Championship 1910  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f7958
13th June 1910 County Championship 1910  Middlesex v Somerset Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood f7979
16th June 1910 County Championship 1910  Kent v Leicestershire Angel Ground, Tonbridge f7982
27th June 1910 County Championship 1910  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f8007
4th July 1910 County Championship 1910  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f8023
11th July 1910 County Championship 1910  Warwickshire v Hampshire Edgbaston, Birmingham f8033
14th July 1910 County Championship 1910  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Fartown, Huddersfield f8040
1st August 1910 County Championship 1910  Surrey v Nottinghamshire Kennington Oval, Kennington f8069
4th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Essex v Nottinghamshire County Ground, Leyton f8071
15th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Kent v Worcestershire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover f8092
18th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Kent v Hampshire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover f8098
22nd August 1910 County Championship 1910  Hampshire v Yorkshire United Services Ground, Portsmouth f8104
29th August 1910 County Championship 1910  Lancashire v Warwickshire Whitegate Park, Blackpool f8116
12th September 1910 Champion County Match 1910  The Rest v Kent Kennington Oval, Kennington f8126
11th May 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Warwickshire Old Trafford, Manchester f8201
20th May 1911 County Championship 1911  Northamptonshire v Gloucestershire County Ground, Northampton f8216
1st June 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Somerset Aigburth, Liverpool f8241
5th June 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester f8246
8th June 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester f8252
12th June 1911 County Championship 1911  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f8266
22nd June 1911 County Championship 1911  Worcestershire v Middlesex County Ground, New Road, Worcester f8288
29th June 1911 County Championship 1911  Kent v Leicestershire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover f8301
3rd July 1911 County Championship 1911  Sussex v Leicestershire County Ground, Hove f8310
6th July 1911 Other First-Class matches in England 1911  Gentlemen v Players Kennington Oval, Kennington f8314
10th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Kent v Somerset The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells f8319
13th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Kent v Sussex The Nevill Ground, Tunbridge Wells f8323
17th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Old Trafford, Manchester f8333
20th July 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Sussex Old Trafford, Manchester f8340
14th August 1911 County Championship 1911  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f8387
17th August 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester f8389
21st August 1911 County Championship 1911  Lancashire v Essex Old Trafford, Manchester f8395
16th May 1912 University Match 1912  Cambridge University v Sussex FP Fenner's Ground, Cambridge f8481
27th May 1912 County Championship 1912  Worcestershire v Warwickshire Tipton Road, Dudley f8510
30th May 1912 County Championship 1912  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester f8515
3rd June 1912 County Championship 1912  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham f8525
6th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Northamptonshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Northampton f8531
10th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Northamptonshire v Kent County Ground, Northampton f8540
13th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Warwickshire v Leicestershire Weddington Road, Nuneaton f8550
17th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Headingley, Leeds f8558
24th June 1912 County Championship 1912  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f8575
4th July 1912 County Championship 1912  Yorkshire v Worcestershire Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury f8600
8th July 1912 County Championship 1912  Leicestershire v Sussex Aylestone Road, Leicester f8604
15th July 1912 County Championship 1912  Lancashire v Surrey Old Trafford, Manchester f8619
29th July 1912 County Championship 1912  Yorkshire v Sussex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f8648
1st August 1912 South Africa in British Isles 1912  Lancashire v South Africans Aigburth, Liverpool f8652
5th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Leicestershire v Northamptonshire Aylestone Road, Leicester f8661
19th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Kent v Leicestershire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover f8688
22nd August 1912 County Championship 1912  Kent v Gloucestershire Crabble Athletic Ground, Dover f8693
26th August 1912 County Championship 1912  Sussex v Warwickshire Central Recreation Ground, Hastings f8708
29th August 1912 Australia in British Isles 1912  Kent v Australians St Lawrence Ground, Canterbury f8713
2nd September 1912 Australia in British Isles 1912  Surrey and Middlesex v Australians Kennington Oval, Kennington f8718
5th September 1912 County Championship 1912  Surrey v Warwickshire Kennington Oval, Kennington f8722
12th May 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester f8779
15th May 1913 County Championship 1913  Warwickshire v Leicestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham f8792
26th May 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Leicestershire Old Trafford, Manchester f8811
2nd June 1913 County Championship 1913  Warwickshire v Northamptonshire Edgbaston, Birmingham f8822
5th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester f8826
9th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Warwickshire v Hampshire Edgbaston, Birmingham f8837
12th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Warwickshire v Sussex Bulls Head Ground, Coventry f8845
16th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Nottinghamshire v Lancashire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f8850
19th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Worcestershire Old Trafford, Manchester f8855
23rd June 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Warwickshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield f8866
30th June 1913 County Championship 1913  Warwickshire v Lancashire Edgbaston, Birmingham f8882
3rd July 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Northamptonshire Old Trafford, Manchester f8886
12th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Leicestershire v Warwickshire Ashby Road, Hinckley f8905
28th July 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Warwickshire Old Trafford, Manchester f8928
31st July 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Hampshire St George's Road, Harrogate f8935
4th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Lancashire Headingley, Leeds f8943
11th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Middlesex Bramall Lane, Sheffield f8956
14th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Middlesex Aigburth, Liverpool f8959
18th August 1913 County Championship 1913  Yorkshire v Essex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f8969
21st August 1913 County Championship 1913  Lancashire v Essex Old Trafford, Manchester f8971
11th May 1914 University Match 1914  Cambridge University v Hampshire FP Fenner's Ground, Cambridge f9062
14th May 1914 University Match 1914  Cambridge University v Middlesex FP Fenner's Ground, Cambridge f9066
25th May 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f9087
28th May 1914 County Championship 1914  Lancashire v Essex Old Trafford, Manchester f9092
1st June 1914 County Championship 1914  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham f9098
4th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Northamptonshire v Kent County Ground, Northampton f9108
12th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Northamptonshire v Sussex County Ground, Northampton f9125
18th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Warwickshire v Gloucestershire Bulls Head Ground, Coventry f9136
29th June 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Essex Headingley, Leeds f9157
11th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Leicestershire v Worcestershire Fox and Goose Ground, Coalville f9179
16th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Leicestershire v Sussex Aylestone Road, Leicester f9187
20th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Warwickshire v Northamptonshire Edgbaston, Birmingham f9194
23rd July 1914 County Championship 1914  Worcestershire v Somerset War Memorial Ground, Amblecote f9201
27th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham f9206
30th July 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire St George's Road, Harrogate f9214
3rd August 1914 County Championship 1914  Warwickshire v Worcestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham f9222
6th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Warwickshire v Yorkshire Edgbaston, Birmingham f9228
10th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Yorkshire v Middlesex Bramall Lane, Sheffield f9236
13th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Warwickshire v Kent Edgbaston, Birmingham f9242
28th August 1914 County Championship 1914  Lancashire v Northamptonshire Old Trafford, Manchester f9264
9th June 1919 County Championship 1919  Lancashire v Yorkshire Old Trafford, Manchester f9363
27th June 1919 County Championship 1919  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester f9397
7th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Essex The Circle, Hull f9412
9th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Lancashire v Essex Old Trafford, Manchester f9415
11th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Warwickshire v Lancashire Edgbaston, Birmingham f9419
14th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Bramall Lane, Sheffield f9424
16th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Lancashire v Leicestershire Old Trafford, Manchester f9426
18th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Fartown, Huddersfield f9434
21st July 1919 County Championship 1919  Yorkshire v Surrey Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f9438
25th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Lancashire v Warwickshire Old Trafford, Manchester f9447
30th July 1919 County Championship 1919  Lancashire v Sussex Old Trafford, Manchester f9451
15th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Leicestershire v Nottinghamshire Park Road, Loughborough f9483
27th August 1919 County Championship 1919  Lancashire v Northamptonshire Old Trafford, Manchester f9506
8th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Northamptonshire v Essex County Ground, Northampton f9558
12th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Lancashire v Leicestershire Old Trafford, Manchester f9560
15th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Nottinghamshire v Leicestershire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f9567
26th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester f9586
29th May 1920 County Championship 1920  Northamptonshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Northampton f9594
5th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Nottinghamshire Headingley, Leeds f9611
9th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Lancashire v Northamptonshire Old Trafford, Manchester f9615
23rd June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Leicestershire The Circle, Hull f9647
26th June 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Hampshire Headingley, Leeds f9655
3rd July 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Kent Bramall Lane, Sheffield f9665
21st July 1920 County Championship 1920  Yorkshire v Gloucestershire Fartown, Huddersfield f9695
24th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f9703
28th July 1920 County Championship 1920  Northamptonshire v Kent County Ground, Northampton f9706
31st July 1920 County Championship 1920  Northamptonshire v Leicestershire County Ground, Northampton f9712
7th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Lancashire v Nottinghamshire Aigburth, Liverpool f9724
14th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Leicestershire v Gloucestershire Aylestone Road, Leicester f9736
18th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Worcestershire v Warwickshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester f9746
21st August 1920 County Championship 1920  Worcestershire v Lancashire War Memorial Ground, Amblecote f9753
25th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Worcestershire v Gloucestershire County Ground, New Road, Worcester f9760
30th August 1920 County Championship 1920  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham f9767
7th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Northamptonshire v Lancashire County Ground, Northampton f9838
11th May 1921 Australia in British Isles 1921  Yorkshire v Australians Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f9847
14th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Northamptonshire v Leicestershire County Ground, Northampton f9852
18th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Leicestershire v Surrey Aylestone Road, Leicester f9860
21st May 1921 County Championship 1921  Northamptonshire v Warwickshire County Ground, Northampton f9871
28th May 1921 County Championship 1921  Worcestershire v Warwickshire County Ground, New Road, Worcester f9885
4th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Essex v Surrey County Ground, Leyton f9897
8th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood f9909
11th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Warwickshire v Surrey Edgbaston, Birmingham f9918
25th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Yorkshire v Surrey Headingley, Leeds f9953
29th June 1921 County Championship 1921  Lancashire v Worcestershire Old Trafford, Manchester f9960
2nd July 1921 County Championship 1921  Lancashire v Gloucestershire Aigburth, Liverpool f9969
6th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Worcestershire v Kent County Ground, New Road, Worcester f9979
23rd July 1921 County Championship 1921  Warwickshire v Lancashire Edgbaston, Birmingham f10016
27th July 1921 County Championship 1921  Glamorgan v Worcestershire St Helen's, Swansea f10018
6th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Gloucestershire v Worcestershire Clifton College Close Ground, Clifton f10040
10th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Somerset v Leicestershire County Ground, Taunton f10053
13th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Somerset v Warwickshire County Ground, Taunton f10061
17th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Glamorgan v Hampshire Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff f10065
20th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Warwickshire v Middlesex Edgbaston, Birmingham f10078
27th August 1921 County Championship 1921  Nottinghamshire v Kent Trent Bridge, Nottingham f10090
1st September 1921 Other First-Class matches in England 1921  Yorkshire v Marylebone Cricket Club North Marine Road, Scarborough f10095
8th September 1921 Australia in British Isles 1921  CI Thornton's XI v Australians North Marine Road, Scarborough f10099
19th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Worcestershire v Sussex County Ground, New Road, Worcester f10380
23rd August 1922 County Championship 1922  Gloucestershire v Warwickshire College Ground, Cheltenham f10381
26th August 1922 County Championship 1922  Gloucestershire v Kent College Ground, Cheltenham f10387
12th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Middlesex Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f10484
19th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Nottinghamshire v Surrey Trent Bridge, Nottingham f10495
23rd May 1923 County Championship 1923  Lancashire v Kent Old Trafford, Manchester f10498
30th May 1923 County Championship 1923  Nottinghamshire v Middlesex Trent Bridge, Nottingham f10521
9th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Middlesex v Yorkshire Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood f10548
13th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Sussex v Glamorgan Cricket Field Road, Horsham f10558
16th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Kent v Sussex Angel Ground, Tonbridge f10564
20th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Kent v Yorkshire Angel Ground, Tonbridge f10572
27th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Northamptonshire Park Avenue Cricket Ground, Bradford f10595
30th June 1923 County Championship 1923  Lancashire v Middlesex Old Trafford, Manchester f10599
7th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Warwickshire v Hampshire Edgbaston, Birmingham f10624
11th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Lancashire v Essex Old Trafford, Manchester f10628
14th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Essex Dewsbury and Savile Ground, Dewsbury f10638
18th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Yorkshire v Leicestershire Fartown, Huddersfield f10643
21st July 1923 County Championship 1923  Nottinghamshire v Worcestershire Town Ground, Worksop f10647
28th July 1923 County Championship 1923  Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire Trent Bridge, Nottingham f10664
4th August 1923 County Championship 1923  Worcestershire v Essex County Ground, New Road, Worcester f10680
8th August 1923 County Championship 1923  Gloucestershire v Worcestershire Fry's Ground, Bristol f10684
11th August 1923 County Championship 1923  Somerset v Kent Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare f10693
15th August 1923 County Championship 1923  Somerset v Worcestershire Clarence Park, Weston-super-Mare f10702
18th August 1923 County Championship 1923  Warwickshire v Leicestershire Edgbaston, Birmingham f10711
29th August 1923 County Championship 1923  Lancashire v Gloucestershire Old Trafford, Manchester f10729