26th August 1863 |
Other matches in England 1863 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167834 |
21st July 1864 |
Other matches in England 1864 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167838 |
25th May 1865 |
Other matches in England 1865 |
| Civil Service v Household Brigade | misc867694 |
25th July 1865 |
Other matches in England 1865 |
| Civil Service v West Kent | misc995198 |
4th August 1865 |
Other matches in England 1865 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167850 |
7th June 1866 |
Other matches in England 1866 |
| Civil Service v West Kent | misc995204 |
2nd August 1866 |
Other matches in England 1866 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167860 |
13th June 1867 |
Other matches in England 1867 |
| Civil Service v Eton Ramblers | misc519038 |
28th June 1867 |
Other matches in England 1867 |
| Civil Service v Household Brigade | misc867696 |
1st August 1867 |
Other matches in England 1867 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167869 |
30th July 1868 |
Other matches in England 1868 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167875 |
15th July 1869 |
Other matches in England 1869 |
| Civil Service v Uppingham Rovers | misc158031 |
5th August 1869 |
Other matches in England 1869 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167886 |
3rd August 1870 |
Other matches in England 1870 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167899 |
2nd August 1871 |
Other matches in England 1871 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167910 |
4th August 1871 |
Other matches in England 1871 |
| Civil Service v Eton Ramblers | misc519058 |
9th August 1871 |
Other matches in England 1871 |
| Civil Service v Harrow Blues | misc169119 |
31st July 1872 |
Other matches in England 1872 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167922 |
17th July 1873 |
Other matches in England 1873 |
| Civil Service v Incogniti | misc859295 |
30th July 1873 |
Other matches in England 1873 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167933 |
1st August 1873 |
Other matches in England 1873 |
| Civil Service v Eton Ramblers | misc169132 |
29th July 1874 |
Other matches in England 1874 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167948 |
28th July 1875 |
Other matches in England 1875 |
| Civil Service v I Zingari | misc167965 |
14th June 1880 |
Other matches in England 1880 |
| Battersea v Marylebone Cricket Club | misc164417 |
20th July 1885 |
Other matches in England 1885 |
| Household Brigade v Eton Ramblers | misc542001 |
2nd June 1886 |
Parsees in British Isles 1886 |
| Prince's Club v Parsees | misc63094 |
8th July 1886 |
Other matches in England 1886 |
| Household Brigade v Eton Ramblers | misc542005 |
28th July 1886 |
Other matches in England 1886 |
| Surrey Club and Ground v South Wales Cricket Club | misc13007 |
7th June 1921 |
Other matches in England 1921 |
| Grenadier Guards v Eton Ramblers | misc575280 |
3rd June 2010 |
Other matches in England 2010 |
| King's Road Cricket and Social Club v Thespian Thunderers | misc375119 |
16th June 2011 |
Other matches in England 2011 |
| King's Road Cricket and Social Club v Thespian Thunderers | misc375127 |
6th May 2012 |
Other matches in England 2012 |
| King's Road Cricket and Social Club v Thespian Thunderers | misc375135 |
27th June 2012 |
Other matches in England 2012 |
| King's Road Cricket and Social Club v Thespian Thunderers | misc375141 |