Miscellaneous Matches played on West Kent Cricket Club Ground, Chislehurst (558)

(count excludes the 13 matches in which no play was possible)
Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database
23rd June 1825 Other matches in England 1825  West Kent v Croydonmisc990366
16th July 1825 Other matches in England 1825  West Kent v Bromley and Neighbouring Parishesmisc990367
20th July 1825 Other matches in England 1825  West Kent v Gentlemen of Surreymisc990368
26th July 1825 Other matches in England 1825  West Kent v Lewishammisc990369
3rd August 1825 Other matches in England 1825  West Kent v Sevenoaksmisc990370
10th August 1825 Other matches in England 1825  West Kent v Eton and Harrowmisc990371
7th July 1826 Other matches in England 1826  West Kent v Bromley, Hayes, Westerham and Chislehurstmisc990375
20th June 1827 Other matches in England 1827  West Kent v Sevenoaksmisc990377
12th July 1827 Other matches in England 1827  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc990604
22nd August 1827 Other matches in England 1827  West Kent v Hayes and Bromleymisc990605
18th August 1828 Other matches in England 1828  West Kent v Bromley and Neighbouring Parishesmisc990755
30th August 1828 Other matches in England 1828  West Kent v Hayesmisc990756
24th July 1829 Other matches in England 1829  West Kent v Blackheathmisc990757
17th August 1829 Other matches in England 1829  West Kent v Surreymisc990758
14th July 1830 Other matches in England 1830  West Kent v Hayesmisc990761
23rd August 1830 Other matches in England 1830  West Kent v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc104258
24th June 1831 Other matches in England 1831  West Kent v East Surreymisc169262
22nd July 1831 Other matches in England 1831  West Kent v Bromley and Neighbouring Parishesmisc169264
12th August 1831 Other matches in England 1831  West Kent v Bromleymisc990764
19th August 1831 Other matches in England 1831  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc990763
12th September 1831 Other matches in England 1831  Gentlemen of West Kent v Marylebone Cricket Clubmisc104268
17th July 1832 Other matches in England 1832  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc169275
24th July 1832 Other matches in England 1832  West Kent v East Surreymisc169272
21st August 1832 Other matches in England 1832  West Kent v East Surreymisc169276
29th June 1833 Other matches in England 1833  West Kent v Bromley and Neighbouring Parishesmisc169282
8th August 1833 Other matches in England 1833  West Kent v East Surreymisc169285
28th August 1833 Other matches in England 1833  Chislehurst and Bromley v Town Mallingmisc168704
6th August 1834 Other matches in England 1834  West Kent v Norfolkmisc990855
9th August 1834 Other matches in England 1834  West Kent v Chislehurst, Hayes and Bromleymisc990856
12th August 1837 Other matches in England 1837  West Kent v Carshaltonmisc990859
27th July 1839 Other matches in England 1839  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc990914
29th August 1839 Other matches in England 1839  West Kent v Bromley, Hayes and Blackheathmisc990915
24th July 1841 Other matches in England 1841  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc990916
15th August 1842 Other matches in England 1842  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc990917
25th August 1843 Other matches in England 1843  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc990918
9th September 1843 Other matches in England 1843  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc990919
22nd July 1844 Other matches in England 1844  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc991041
23rd August 1844 Other matches in England 1844  Chislehurst v Mitchammisc169432
25th August 1845 Other matches in England 1845  West Kent v Cobhammisc991143
27th July 1846 Other matches in England 1846  West Kent v Streathammisc991146
28th August 1846 Other matches in England 1846  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc991149
1847 Other matches in England 1847  West Kent v Mid Kentmisc991150
13th August 1847 Other matches in England 1847  West Kent v Lingfield and Godstonemisc991151
17th August 1847 Other matches in England 1847  West Kent v Sydenhammisc991153
10th July 1848 Other matches in England 1848  West Kent v Mid Kentmisc991156
1st August 1848 Other matches in England 1848  West Kent v Sydenhammisc991922
7th August 1849 Other matches in England 1849  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc991926
16th August 1849 Other matches in England 1849  West Kent v Charterhouse Schoolmisc991927
14th August 1850 Other matches in England 1850  West Kent v Sydenhammisc992065
23rd August 1850 Other matches in England 1850  West Kent v North Craymisc992067
29th August 1850 Other matches in England 1850  West Kent v Carshaltonmisc993256
31st July 1851 Other matches in England 1851  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993257
5th July 1852 Other matches in England 1852  West Kent v All Muggletonmisc993259
10th August 1852 Other matches in England 1852  West Kent v North Craymisc993260
23rd August 1852 Other matches in England 1852  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993262
19th July 1853 Other matches in England 1853  West Kent v North Craymisc993279
15th August 1853 Other matches in England 1853  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993282
24th August 1853 Other matches in England 1853  West Kent v Carshaltonmisc993283
3rd September 1853 Other matches in England 1853  West Kent v Sydenhammisc993388
18th July 1854 Other matches in England 1854  West Kent v Blackheath Dartmouthmisc993389
24th August 1854 Other matches in England 1854  West Kent v North Craymisc993391
July 1855 Other matches in England 1855  West Kent v Dartmouth Berkeleymisc993393
25th July 1855 Other matches in England 1855  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993405
22nd August 1855 Other matches in England 1855  West Kent v Carshaltonmisc993407
2nd July 1856 Other matches in England 1856  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993409
29th July 1856 Other matches in England 1856  West Kent v North Craymisc993411
18th June 1857 Other matches in England 1857  Gentlemen of West Kent v Peripateticsmisc169614
19th August 1857 Other matches in England 1857  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993416
27th August 1857 Other matches in England 1857  West Kent v Carshaltonmisc993582
29th June 1858 Other matches in England 1858  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849829
August 1858 Other matches in England 1858  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993587
August 1858 Other matches in England 1858  West Kent v Carshaltonmisc993583
4th August 1858 Other matches in England 1858  West Kent v Perambulatorsmisc993584
26th August 1858 Other matches in England 1858  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc993586
29th June 1859 Other matches in England 1859  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849835
21st July 1859 Other matches in England 1859  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc993590
8th August 1859 Other matches in England 1859  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc993593
11th August 1859 Other matches in England 1859  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc993591
24th August 1859 Other matches in England 1859  West Kent v Carshaltonmisc993592
27th June 1860 Other matches in England 1860  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849875
12th July 1860 Other matches in England 1860  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc993809
12th June 1861 Other matches in England 1861  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849886
17th June 1861 Other matches in England 1861  West Kent v Westerhammisc993811
26th June 1861 Other matches in England 1861  West Kent v Peripateticsmisc994685
3rd July 1861 Other matches in England 1861  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95327
7th August 1861 Other matches in England 1861  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc994821
26th August 1861 Other matches in England 1861  West Kent Non-Volunteers v West Kent Volunteersmisc994823
25th June 1862 Other matches in England 1862  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849899
22nd July 1862 Other matches in England 1862  West Kent v Chatham Garrisonmisc994824
14th August 1862 Other matches in England 1862  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc994827
18th August 1862 Other matches in England 1862  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc994828
20th August 1862 Other matches in England 1862  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc994829
11th June 1863 Other matches in England 1863  Gentlemen of West Kent v Peripateticsmisc169641
17th June 1863 Other matches in England 1863  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc995015
2nd July 1863 Other matches in England 1863  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95411
9th July 1863 Other matches in England 1863  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc995108
14th July 1863 Other matches in England 1863  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995110
24th July 1863 Other matches in England 1863  West Kent v Band of Brothersmisc995111
August 1863 Other matches in England 1863  West Kent v Butterfliesmisc995185
12th August 1863 Other matches in England 1863  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519034
24th August 1863 Other matches in England 1863  West Kent v Band of Brothersmisc995422
1864 Other matches in England 1864  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc580374
16th June 1864 Other matches in England 1864  West Kent v Peripateticsmisc995187
23rd June 1864 Other matches in England 1864  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849908
30th June 1864 Other matches in England 1864  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95462
15th July 1864 Other matches in England 1864  West Kent v Home Circuitmisc995189
7th June 1865 Other matches in England 1865  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849916
5th July 1865 Other matches in England 1865  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95516
18th July 1865 Other matches in England 1865  West Kent v Aldershot Divisionmisc995197
7th August 1865 Other matches in England 1865  West Kent v Harrow Bluesmisc995199
8th August 1865 Other matches in England 1865  West Kent v Home Circuitmisc995200
21st June 1866 Other matches in England 1866  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849924
27th June 1866 Other matches in England 1866  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95570
10th July 1866 Other matches in England 1866  Gentlemen of West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc168394
4th August 1866 Other matches in England 1866  West Kent v FN Streatfield's XImisc995206
17th August 1866 Other matches in England 1866  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519037
30th August 1866 Other matches in England 1866  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc995207
11th June 1867 Other matches in England 1867  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995208
10th July 1867 Other matches in England 1867  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849930
29th July 1867 Other matches in England 1867  West Kent v Oriental Clubmisc995211
5th August 1867 Other matches in England 1867  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995212
10th August 1867 Other matches in England 1867  West Kent v Home Circuitmisc995213
2nd June 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995215
12th June 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995216
17th June 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc849934
24th June 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc995217
2nd July 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Oriental Clubmisc995219
8th July 1868 Other matches in England 1868  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95698
18th July 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Beckenhammisc995220
28th July 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Civil Servicemisc995222
14th August 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519046
25th August 1868 Other matches in England 1868  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995226
7th July 1869 Other matches in England 1869  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95750
23rd July 1869 Other matches in England 1869  West Kent v Oriental Clubmisc995229
30th July 1869 Other matches in England 1869  West Kent v Harrow Bluesmisc995230
6th August 1869 Other matches in England 1869  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519051
7th June 1870 Other matches in England 1870  West Kent v Bickley Parkmisc995233
22nd June 1870 Other matches in England 1870  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95784
24th June 1870 Other matches in England 1870  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995235
29th June 1870 Other matches in England 1870  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc855065
4th August 1870 Other matches in England 1870  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519053
13th August 1870 Other matches in England 1870  West Kent v Beckenhammisc995237
30th June 1871 Other matches in England 1871  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95839
31st July 1871 Other matches in England 1871  Gentlemen of West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc95858
22nd August 1871 Other matches in England 1871  West Kent v Crystal Palacemisc995245
27th May 1872 Other matches in England 1872  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995248
1st June 1872 Other matches in England 1872  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995249
26th June 1872 Other matches in England 1872  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95888
29th June 1872 Other matches in England 1872  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc995252
11th July 1872 Other matches in England 1872  West Kent v Home Circuitmisc995253
27th July 1872 Other matches in England 1872  West Kent v Civil Servicemisc995255
10th August 1872 Other matches in England 1872  West Kent v Crystal Palacemisc995256
14th August 1872 Other matches in England 1872  West Kent v Beckenhammisc995257
25th June 1873 Other matches in England 1873  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc995261
2nd July 1873 Other matches in England 1873  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95949
1st July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc95995
7th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  West Kent v Uppingham Roversmisc995271
9th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc995272
14th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc995273
18th July 1874 Other matches in England 1874  West Kent v Beckenhammisc995274
1st August 1874 Other matches in England 1874  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519078
15th August 1874 Other matches in England 1874  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995276
1st July 1875 Other matches in England 1875  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc96045
8th July 1875 Other matches in England 1875  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc855075
22nd July 1875 Other matches in England 1875  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995280
31st July 1875 Other matches in England 1875  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc995281
3rd August 1875 Other matches in England 1875  West Kent v Buckhurstmisc995282
14th June 1876 Other matches in England 1876  West Kent v Buckhurstmisc995285
29th June 1876 Other matches in England 1876  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc995287
1st July 1876 Other matches in England 1876  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc995288
6th July 1876 Other matches in England 1876  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519090
12th July 1876 Other matches in England 1876  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc96093
29th July 1876 Other matches in England 1876  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995289
16th June 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Buckhurstmisc995294
20th June 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc995295
28th June 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Bickley Parkmisc995296
7th July 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc995297
11th July 1877 Other matches in England 1877  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc96152
17th July 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Butterfliesmisc995298
21st July 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc995299
24th July 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995300
16th August 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Beckenhammisc995301
18th August 1877 Other matches in England 1877  West Kent v Crystal Palacemisc995302
30th May 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995304
18th June 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995305
22nd June 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Butterfliesmisc995306
27th June 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519092
4th July 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Quidnuncsmisc855081
8th July 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc995307
11th July 1878 Other matches in England 1878  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc96213
20th July 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995308
13th August 1878 Other matches in England 1878  West Kent v Beckenhammisc995309
29th May 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995311
4th June 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc995312
7th June 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995313
14th June 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Eshermisc995314
18th June 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519095
28th June 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Assyriansmisc995316
4th July 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Gentlemen of Yorkshiremisc995317
5th July 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Buckhurstmisc995318
16th July 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v I Zingarimisc57675
22nd July 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995319
20th August 1879 Other matches in England 1879  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc995321
29th May 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995322
5th June 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995323
12th June 1880 Other matches in England 1880  Gentlemen of West Kent v Eshermisc164414
15th June 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995324
19th June 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc995325
23rd June 1880 Other matches in England 1880  Gentlemen of West Kent v Gentlemen of Yorkshiremisc164440
26th June 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Assyriansmisc995326
30th June 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc995327
3rd July 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Bexleymisc995328
8th July 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Band of Brothersmisc995329
15th July 1880 Other matches in England 1880  Gentlemen of West Kent v I Zingarimisc164493
5th August 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent Colts v West Kent Seniorsmisc995330
14th August 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Bickley Parkmisc995331
21st August 1880 Other matches in England 1880  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc995332
28th May 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995333
4th June 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995334
8th June 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc995335
11th June 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Mayfliesmisc995336
20th June 1881 Other matches in England 1881  Gentlemen of West Kent v Gentlemen of Yorkshiremisc254327
23rd June 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Crystal Palacemisc995337
2nd July 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Assyriansmisc995338
9th July 1881 Other matches in England 1881  Gentlemen of West Kent v Will-o'-the-Wispmisc254375
14th July 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Band of Brothersmisc995339
27th July 1881 Other matches in England 1881  Gentlemen of West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc254424
5th August 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent Colts v West Kent Seniorsmisc995341
10th August 1881 Other matches in England 1881  West Kent v Harrow Bluesmisc995342
3rd June 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995343
10th June 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v Buckhurstmisc995344
1st July 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v Will-o'-the-Wispmisc995345
8th July 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v Band of Brothersmisc995346
12th July 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995347
19th July 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995348
4th August 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent Colts v West Kent Seniorsmisc995349
10th August 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v Harrow Bluesmisc995350
26th August 1882 Other matches in England 1882  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995351
2nd June 1883 Other matches in England 1883  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995353
27th June 1883 Other matches in England 1883  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995355
7th July 1883 Other matches in England 1883  West Kent v Upper Tootingmisc995356
11th July 1883 Other matches in England 1883  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995357
21st July 1883 Other matches in England 1883  West Kent v Will-o'-the-Wispmisc995358
24th May 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995359
14th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent v CT Murdoch's XImisc995360
21st June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc541996
25th June 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995361
9th July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995362
10th July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent v Band of Brothersmisc995363
23rd July 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent v Royal Military Academy Woolwichmisc995364
7th August 1884 Other matches in England 1884  West Kent Colts v West Kent Seniorsmisc995366
12th August 1885 Other matches in England 1885  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995369
15th August 1885 Other matches in England 1885  West Kent v Royal Military Academy Woolwichmisc995370
21st August 1885 Other matches in England 1885  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995371
12th June 1886 Other matches in England 1886  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995373
7th July 1886 Other matches in England 1886  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995374
5th August 1886 Other matches in England 1886  West Kent v West Kent Coltsmisc995375
10th August 1886 Other matches in England 1886  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995376
21st August 1886 Other matches in England 1886  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995377
11th June 1887 Other matches in England 1887  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995378
15th June 1887 Other matches in England 1887  West Kent v Bexleymisc995379
22nd June 1887 Other matches in England 1887  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995380
6th July 1887 Other matches in England 1887  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995381
4th August 1887 Other matches in England 1887  West Kent v West Kent Coltsmisc995383
27th August 1887 Other matches in England 1887  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995385
9th June 1888 Other matches in England 1888  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995386
4th July 1888 Other matches in England 1888  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995387
11th July 1888 Other matches in England 1888  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995388
1st June 1889 Other matches in England 1889  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995390
19th June 1889 Other matches in England 1889  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995391
26th June 1889 Other matches in England 1889  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc542017
3rd July 1889 Other matches in England 1889  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995392
3rd August 1889 Other matches in England 1889  West Kent v West Kent Coltsmisc995393
17th August 1889 Other matches in England 1889  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995394
31st May 1890 Other matches in England 1890  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995395
10th June 1890 Other matches in England 1890  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995396
9th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995397
19th July 1890 Other matches in England 1890  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519106
10th June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995399
20th June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519119
27th June 1891 Other matches in England 1891  West Kent v Authenticsmisc995401
20th August 1891 Other matches in England 1891  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519137
29th June 1892 Other matches in England 1892  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995403
9th July 1892 Other matches in England 1892  West Kent v Authenticsmisc995404
16th July 1892 Other matches in England 1892  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519151
7th June 1893 Other matches in England 1893  West Kent v Royal Engineersmisc995405
10th June 1893 Other matches in England 1893  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc995406
7th July 1893 Other matches in England 1893  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995408
8th July 1893 Other matches in England 1893  West Kent v Authenticsmisc995409
12th July 1893 Other matches in England 1893  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519180
30th August 1893 Other matches in England 1893  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc995411
5th July 1894 Other matches in England 1894  West Kent v Authenticsmisc995413
11th July 1894 Other matches in England 1894  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995414
18th July 1894 Other matches in England 1894  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519208
10th July 1895 Other matches in England 1895  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995415
17th July 1895 Other matches in England 1895  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519236
1st July 1896 Other matches in England 1896  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519260
8th July 1896 Other matches in England 1896  West Kent v I Zingarimisc995418
30th June 1897 Other matches in England 1897  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519289
28th June 1898 Other matches in England 1898  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519315
28th June 1899 Other matches in England 1899  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc519341
27th June 1900 Other matches in England 1900  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc521053
27th May 1901 Other matches in England 1901  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc521073
12th August 1902 Other matches in England 1902  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc521106
11th August 1903 Other matches in England 1903  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc521133
16th August 1904 Other matches in England 1904  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc521160
15th August 1905 Other matches in England 1905  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc521186
14th August 1906 Other matches in England 1906  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc521215
13th August 1907 Other matches in England 1907  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc613022
11th August 1908 Other matches in England 1908  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc572998
10th August 1909 Other matches in England 1909  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc573028
9th August 1910 Other matches in England 1910  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc573055
25th July 1911 Other matches in England 1911  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc573080
29th June 1914 Other matches in England 1914  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc573129
4th July 1919 Other matches in England 1919  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc575236
3rd July 1920 Other matches in England 1920  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc575258
20th July 1921 Other matches in England 1921  West Kent v Eton Ramblersmisc575287
17th July 1922 Other matches in England 1922  West Kent v Band of Brothersmisc464844
18th July 1922 Other matches in England 1922  West Kent v Woolwich Garrisonmisc464845
19th July 1922 Other matches in England 1922  West Kent v I Zingarimisc464846
20th July 1922 Other matches in England 1922  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc464847
22nd July 1922 Other matches in England 1922  West Kent v Incognitimisc464848
17th July 1923 Other matches in England 1923  West Kent v I Zingarimisc44588
18th July 1923 Other matches in England 1923  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc44589
20th July 1923 Other matches in England 1923  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc549984
18th July 1924 Other matches in England 1924  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550006
16th June 1925 Other matches in England 1925  West Kent v Yellowhammersmisc44591
17th July 1925 Other matches in England 1925  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc44595
14th July 1926 Other matches in England 1926  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550045
13th July 1927 Other matches in England 1927  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550063
18th July 1928 Other matches in England 1928  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550082
17th July 1929 Other matches in England 1929  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc44598
18th July 1930 Other matches in England 1930  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550113
June 1931 Other matches in England 1931  West Kent v Sevenoaks Vinemisc413527
4th July 1931 Other matches in England 1931  West Kent v The Googliesmisc390997
15th July 1931 Other matches in England 1931  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550128
17th July 1931 Other matches in England 1931  West Kent v Free Forestersmisc387971
13th July 1932 Other matches in England 1932  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550141
19th July 1933 Other matches in England 1933  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550159
18th July 1934 Other matches in England 1934  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550177
24th July 1934 Other matches in England 1934  West Kent v I Zingarimisc42604
17th July 1935 Other matches in England 1935  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550195
27th July 1935 Other matches in England 1935  Band of Brothers v Eton Ramblersmisc576320
July 1936 Other matches in England 1936  Band of Brothers v Eton Ramblersmisc576369
15th July 1936 Other matches in England 1936  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550212
14th July 1937 Other matches in England 1937  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550230
24th July 1937 Other matches in England 1937  Band of Brothers v Eton Ramblersmisc576416
13th July 1938 Other matches in England 1938  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550242
23rd July 1938 Other matches in England 1938  Band of Brothers v Eton Ramblersmisc634686
19th July 1939 Other matches in England 1939  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550257
29th July 1939 Other matches in England 1939  Band of Brothers v Eton Ramblersmisc634735
8th June 1940 Other matches in England 1940  Middlesex Hospital v British Empire XImisc127998
15th July 1946 Other matches in England 1946  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc550266
16th July 1947 Other matches in England 1947  West Kent v Chislehurstmisc550276
14th July 1948 Other matches in England 1948  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550287
13th July 1949 Other matches in England 1949  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550299
10th June 1950 Other matches in England 1950  Middlesex Hospital Second XI v Nomadsmisc577853
12th July 1950 Other matches in England 1950  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc151705
23rd July 1950 Other matches in England 1950  Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve v Nomadsmisc577875
2nd June 1951 Other matches in England 1951  Middlesex Hospital Second XI v Nomadsmisc577920
16th June 1951 Other matches in England 1951  Middlesex Hospital Second XI v Nomadsmisc577925
11th July 1951 Other matches in England 1951  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550313
22nd September 1951 Other matches in England 1951  Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve v Nomadsmisc577966
16th July 1952 Other matches in England 1952  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550332
16th May 1953 Other matches in England 1953  Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve v Nomadsmisc577984
15th July 1953 Other matches in England 1953  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550345
15th May 1954 Other matches in England 1954  Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve v Nomadsmisc578055
14th July 1954 Other matches in England 1954  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550362
13th July 1955 Other matches in England 1955  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550374
18th July 1956 Other matches in England 1956  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550388
17th July 1957 Other matches in England 1957  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550402
16th July 1958 Other matches in England 1958  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550415
15th July 1959 Other matches in England 1959  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550429
13th July 1960 Other matches in England 1960  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550442
19th July 1961 Other matches in England 1961  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550459
18th July 1962 Other matches in England 1962  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550473
17th July 1963 Other matches in England 1963  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550490
15th July 1964 Other matches in England 1964  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550505
31st July 1965 Other matches in England 1965  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550525
31st July 1966 Other matches in England 1966  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550543
6th August 1967 South African Universities in England 1967  Quidnuncs v South African Universitiesmisc33470
6th August 1967 Other matches in England 1967  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550562
23rd June 1968 Australian Old Collegians World Tour 1968  Quidnuncs v Australian Old Collegiansmisc333517
17th August 1968 Other matches in England 1968  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550583
3rd August 1969 W Isaacs' XI in British Isles 1969  Quidnuncs v WJH Isaacs' XImisc33793
16th August 1969 Other matches in England 1969  West Kent v Royal Artillerymisc550606
5th May 1979 Other matches in England 1979  West Kent v Nomadsmisc578115
5th May 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sibton Park Second XImisc204150
26th May 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc204178
2nd June 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Linden Park Second XImisc204184
16th June 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bobbing Court Second XImisc204200a
23rd June 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Addington Village Second XImisc204211
21st July 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Stacians Second XImisc204244
28th July 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Offham Second XImisc204249
4th August 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Downham and Bellingham Second XImisc204258
11th August 2001 Forester Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2001  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc204267
11th May 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc204646
18th May 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v New Ash Green Second XImisc204655
8th June 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Offham Second XImisc204683
29th June 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Stacians Second XImisc204707
6th July 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bobbing Court Second XImisc204713
13th July 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Elthamians Granby Second XImisc204722
27th July 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Walmer Second XImisc204738
24th August 2002 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2002  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc204773
10th May 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Elthamians Granby Second XImisc205124
24th May 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v New Ash Green Second XImisc205141
7th June 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc205159
21st June 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc205176
5th July 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sidcup Second XImisc205195
26th July 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bapchild Second XImisc205223
9th August 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Roan and Lambethans Second XImisc205243
23rd August 2003 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2003  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc205260
15th May 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sidcup Second XImisc205619
12th June 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Dartford Fourth XImisc205656
26th June 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Roan and Lambethans Second XImisc205673
10th July 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v New Ash Green Second XImisc205692
17th July 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Wilsonians Second XImisc205699
31st July 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Barbados Overseas Cricket Association Second XImisc205717
14th August 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc205736
28th August 2004 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2004  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wickham Park Second XImisc205755
28th May 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc206113
4th June 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc206124
11th June 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc206133
18th June 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Ashford Second XImisc206141
9th July 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Upchurch Second XImisc206169
23rd July 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Dartford Fourth XImisc206186
6th August 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc206204
27th August 2005 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Third Division 2005  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sidcup Second XImisc206231a
6th May 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Roan and Lambethans Second XImisc206338
20th May 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Blackheath Fourth XImisc206347a
10th June 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Dartford Fourth XImisc206363
24th June 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc206373
15th July 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sevenoaks Vine Fourth XImisc206387
29th July 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexleyheath Second XImisc206396
5th August 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sidcup Second XImisc206403
19th August 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wickham Park Second XImisc206413
2nd September 2006 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2006  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc206423
12th May 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sidcup Second XImisc206883
26th May 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v High Halstow Second XImisc206893
9th June 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc206903
23rd June 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc206911
7th July 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc206923
21st July 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sevenoaks Vine Fourth XImisc206933
4th August 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Roan and Lambethans Second XImisc206943
18th August 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc206952
1st September 2007 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2007  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexleyheath Second XImisc206961
17th May 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc207423a
31st May 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Farningham Second XImisc207433
14th June 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Gravesend RF Second XImisc207443
28th June 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc207451
26th July 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Offham Second XImisc207473
9th August 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc207483
23rd August 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc207492
6th September 2008 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2008  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexleyheath Second XImisc207501a
9th May 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Walmer Second XImisc208137
23rd May 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Upchurch Second XImisc208148
6th June 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Linden Park Second XImisc208158
20th June 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Ashford Town Fourth XImisc208166
4th July 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Elthamians Second XImisc208176
18th July 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wickham Park Second XImisc208187
1st August 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sidcup Second XImisc208198
15th August 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc208208
29th August 2009 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2009  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc208216
8th May 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc208659
22nd May 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sidcup Second XImisc208669
5th June 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Linden Park Second XImisc208680
19th June 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexleyheath Second XImisc208689
3rd July 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc208699
17th July 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexley Fourth XImisc208709
31st July 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wickham Park Second XImisc208719
14th August 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc208730
28th August 2010 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2010  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v HSBC Second XImisc208739
7th May 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc209201
28th May 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexleyheath Second XImisc209214
11th June 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexley Fourth XImisc209225
18th June 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Deal Victoria and Barns Close Second XImisc209231
2nd July 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v RACS Second XImisc209241
16th July 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc209251a
23rd July 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v HSBC Second XImisc209254
6th August 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Chestfield Second XImisc209265
27th August 2011 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2011  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Elthamians Second XImisc209281
12th May 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Ashford Town Second XImisc218776
19th May 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc218781
2nd June 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexleyheath Second XImisc218791
23rd June 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc218806
7th July 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc218816
28th July 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Macknade Second XImisc218831
11th August 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexley Fourth XImisc218841
18th August 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Elthamians Second XImisc218846
1st September 2012 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2012  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Dunstonians and CUACO Second XImisc218856
18th May 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Hollingbourne Second XImisc298225
1st June 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc298236
15th June 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rainham Second XImisc298246
22nd June 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexley Fourth XImisc298250
6th July 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc298261
13th July 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc298265
27th July 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v High Halstow Second XImisc298276a
10th August 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Deal Victoria and Barns Close Second XImisc298286
31st August 2013 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2013  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Macknade Second XImisc298301
17th May 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Faversham Second XImisc405010
31st May 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Harvel Second XImisc405020
7th June 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Blackheath Wanderers City of London Second XImisc405022
28th June 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexley Fourth XImisc405038a
12th July 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Nonington Second XImisc405050
26th July 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Hythe Second XImisc405060
16th August 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc405072
23rd August 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rainham Second XImisc405079
6th September 2014 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2014  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Wye Second XImisc405088a
16th May 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexley Fourth XImisc554456
30th May 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Addington Village Second XImisc554466
13th June 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Faversham Second XImisc554477
20th June 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexleyheath Second XImisc554482
4th July 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Hythe Second XImisc554493
11th July 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Frindsbury Second XImisc554496
25th July 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Blackheath Wanderers City of London Second XImisc554506
8th August 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rainham Second XImisc554517
29th August 2015 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2015  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Rodmersham Second XImisc554533
14th May 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc716895
28th May 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc716905
4th June 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Ashford Town Second XImisc716908
16th June 2016 Other matches in England 2016  United Hospitals v Lord's Tavernersmisc853413a
25th June 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bapchild Second XImisc716924
9th July 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Shooters Hill Second XImisc716935
23rd July 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Offham Second XImisc716945
13th August 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Betteshanger Colliery Welfare Second XImisc716958
20th August 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Hartley Country Club Fourth XImisc716965
3rd September 2016 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fifth Division 2016  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v High Halstow Second XImisc716974
13th May 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Blackheath Wanderers Second XImisc772615
20th May 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bexley Fourth XImisc772621
3rd June 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc772628
8th July 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Frindsbury Second XImisc772648
29th July 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Dunstonians and CUACO Second XImisc772660
12th August 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Addington Village Second XImisc772668
19th August 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Chestfield Second XImisc772672
2nd September 2017 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2017  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc772679
5th May 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Blackheath Wanderers Second XImisc789159
19th May 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v High Halstow Second XImisc789169
2nd June 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc789179
16th June 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cobham Second XImisc789189
23rd June 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Chestfield Second XImisc789194
14th July 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Old Dunstonians and CUACO Second XImisc789209
28th July 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Catford Wanderers Second XImisc789219
11th August 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Hythe Second XImisc789229
1st September 2018 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2018  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Sibton Park Second XImisc789243
4th May 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Shooters Hill Second XImisc812428
18th May 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Downham and Bellingham Second XImisc812436
1st June 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cobham Second XImisc812446
15th June 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Leeds and Broomfield Second XImisc812456
29th June 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc812466
13th July 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Ashford Town Second XImisc812476
27th July 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bapchild Second XImisc812485a
10th August 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cowdrey Second XImisc812495
7th September 2019 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2019  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v High Halstow Second XImisc812514
15th May 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v High Halstow Second XImisc861276
29th May 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Ashford Town Second XImisc861286
12th June 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Nonington Second XImisc861296
3rd July 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Downham and Bellingham Second XImisc861311
10th July 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cobham Second XImisc861316
7th August 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Gore Court Second XImisc861335a
21st August 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Tonbridge Second XImisc861345
28th August 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Leeds and Broomfield Second XImisc861350
11th September 2021 Shepherd Neame Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2021  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Harvel Second XImisc861325
7th May 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Tonbridge Second XImisc879505
21st May 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bapchild Second XImisc879514
4th June 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Bromley Town Second XImisc879524
25th June 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Harvel Second XImisc879540
16th July 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Downham and Bellingham Second XImisc879554
30th July 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Kings Hill Second XImisc879563
13th August 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Frindsbury Second XImisc879573a
20th August 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Nonington Second XImisc879579
3rd September 2022 Kent Cricket League Second XIs Fourth Division 2022  Chislehurst and West Kent Second XI v Cobham Second XImisc879589