| Points Awarded and Column Key: |
| Won (W): 6 |
| Tied (T): 3 |
| Lost (L): 0 |
| Won on 1st innings in drawn match (DWF): 3 |
| Tied on 1st innings in drawn match (DTF): 1 |
| Lost on 1st innings in drawn match (DLF): 1 |
| No Decision on 1st innings (ND): 1 |
| Abandoned without a ball bowled (A): 1 |
| Bonus Points (BP) |
| Adjustments (carried forward/fines/penalty points) (Adj) |
| Total points (Pts) |
| Net run rate (runs per over scored less runs per over conceded, adjusting to team's full allocation if all out and including no result matches) (NetRRN) |