Duleep Trophy 2019/20 Table

1India Red200020000006-0.088
2India Green2000001100020.057
3India Blue2000001100020.028
Points Awarded and Column Key:
Won (W): 6
Tied (T): 3
Lost (L): 0
Won on 1st innings in drawn match (DWF): 3
Tied on 1st innings in drawn match (DTF): 1
Lost on 1st innings in drawn match (DLF): 1
No Decision on 1st innings (ND): 1
Abandoned without a ball bowled (A): 1
Bonus Points (BP)
Adjustments (carried forward/fines/penalty points) (Adj)
Total points (Pts)
Net run rate (runs per over scored less runs per over conceded, adjusting to team's full allocation if all out and including no result matches) (NetRRN)
Order in the table:
Position of teams in the table is determined by:
Total points
Net run rate (runs per over scored less runs per over conceded, adjusting to team's full allocation if all out and including no result matches)