South West Women's Regional League Premier Division 2013 Table

1Newport Women842000021410110
2Plympton Women84001012182497
3Bristol Phoenix Women82003003141564
4St Austell Women81003112151353
5Taunton St Andrews Women81005101151141
Points Awarded and Column Key:
Won (W): 10
Walkover (WO): 18
Tied (T): 5
Lost (L): 0
Conceded a walkover (CON): 0
No Result (but play started) (NR): 5
Abandoned without a ball bowled (A): 5
Batting Bonus Points (BatBP)
Bowling Bonus Points (BowBP)
Total points (Pts)
Order in the table:
Position of teams in the table is determined by:
Total points