Thames Valley Cricket League Division 2B 2006 Table

1Tring Park Second XI172100410033110294
2Chenies and Latimer18410740271470252
4Reading Second XI9220230039160145
5Marlow Park81104101309091
6Slough Second XI60302100168084
7Stoke Green910061012722081
8ICI Paints71104100198072
9Gerrards Cross Second XI610031012810070
10Chalfont St Peter61002201227061
Points Awarded and Column Key:
Won batting first (WBF): 25
Won batting second (WBS): 20
Tied (T): 15
Lost (L): 0
Drawn (D): 0
No Decision on 1st innings but either team would get bonus points earned if greater (shown under appropriate columns) (NDB): 7
Abandoned without a ball bowled (A): 7
Batting Bonus Points (BatBP)
Bowling Bonus Points (BowBP)
Adjustments (carried forward/fines/penalty points) (Adj)
Total points (Pts)
Order in the table:
Position of teams in the table is determined by:
Total points