Franchise B League 2010/11 Table

1Southern Rocks B411000020013
2Matabeleland Tuskers B41001010108
Mountaineers B41000011018
4Mashonaland Eagles B40001110102
5Mid West Rhinos B40001011011
Points Awarded and Column Key:
Won (W): 7
Won but lost on 1st innings (WLF): 6
Tied (T): 3
Lost (L): 0
Lost but won on 1st innings (LWF): 1
Won on 1st innings in drawn match (DWF): 1
Lost on 1st innings in drawn match (DLF): 0
No Decision on 1st innings (ND): 0
Abandoned without a ball bowled (A): 0
Total points (Pts)
Order in the table:
Position of teams in the table is determined by:
Total points