Southern Electric Premier Cricket League Division One 2003 Table

1BAT Sports1823600100101136157026719.071
3Hampshire Cricket Academy1850400130101124652023215.467
4Bashley (Rydal)1814301040102024865023214.5
6South Wilts1811401220103124848-319112.733
9Calmore Sports1800200760100203152-11147.125
10Liphook and Ripsley1710100570001112649-11046.933
Points Awarded and Column Key:
Won batting first (WBF): 15
Won batting second (WBS): 12
Won limited overs match (WLO): 12
Tied (T): 6
Tied limited overs match (TLO): 6
Lost (L): 0
Lost limited overs match (LLO): 0
Drawn but team batting last with scores level (DE): 8
Winning draw (DW): 8
Winning draw but won toss and fielded (DWWT): 3
Losing draw (DL): 3
Not counted in computing final positions (NC): 0
Abandoned without a ball bowled (A): 0
Batting Bonus Points (BatBP)
Bowling Bonus Points (BowBP)
Adjustments (carried forward/fines/penalty points) (Adj)
Total points (Pts)
Average points per match (AvPts)
Order in the table:
Position of teams in the table is determined by:
Average points per match
Calmore Sports: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against BAT Sports on 7th June 2003
South Wilts: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Bashley (Rydal) on 21st June 2003
South Wilts: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against BAT Sports on 28th June 2003
South Wilts: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Hampshire Cricket Academy on 5th July 2003
Liphook and Ripsley: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Bashley (Rydal) on 19th July 2003
Portsmouth: 1 point deducted for slow over-rate in match against Bournemouth on 19th July 2003