Warwickshire County Cricket League Division Seven West 2024

 Averages: [Batting] [Bowling] [Fielding]
 Averages by [Team]

20 Apr 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc959504a
20 Apr 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Handsworth Third XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc959505a
20 Apr 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Bournville Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc959506
20 Apr 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Attock Fourth XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc959507a
20 Apr 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Wishaw Second XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc959508
20 Apr 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc959509a
27 Apr 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc959510
27 Apr 2024  Bournville v Smethwick Third XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc959511
27 Apr 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Lyndworth Third XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc959512
27 Apr 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Marston Green Second XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc959513a
27 Apr 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Aston Manor Third XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc959514
27 Apr 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc959515
04 May 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc959516
04 May 2024  Bournville v Handsworth Third XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc959517a
04 May 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc959518
04 May 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Attock Fourth XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc959519
04 May 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc959520
04 May 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc959521
11 May 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Lyndworth Third XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
11 May 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Smethwick Third XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc959523
11 May 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Bournville Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc959524
11 May 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Wishaw Second XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc959525
11 May 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Handsworth Third XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc959526
11 May 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Marston Green Second XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
18 May 2024  Bournville v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
18 May 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
18 May 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
18 May 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Aston Manor Third XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
18 May 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Weoley Hill Second XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
18 May 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Attock Fourth XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
25 May 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Lyndworth Third XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
25 May 2024  Bournville v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
25 May 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Smethwick Third XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
25 May 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Wishaw Second XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
25 May 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Marston Green Second XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
25 May 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Aston Manor Third XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
01 Jun 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Attock Fourth XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
01 Jun 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
01 Jun 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
01 Jun 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
01 Jun 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Handsworth Third XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
01 Jun 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Bournville Church Lane, Wishaw misc
08 Jun 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Smethwick Third XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
08 Jun 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Bournville Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
08 Jun 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Marston Green Second XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
08 Jun 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Handsworth Third XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
08 Jun 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
08 Jun 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Wishaw Second XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
15 Jun 2024  Bournville v Weoley Hill Second XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
15 Jun 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
15 Jun 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Attock Fourth XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
15 Jun 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
15 Jun 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Lyndworth Third XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
15 Jun 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Aston Manor Third XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
22 Jun 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Bournville Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
22 Jun 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
22 Jun 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Wishaw Second XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
22 Jun 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Smethwick Third XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
22 Jun 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
22 Jun 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Handsworth Third XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
29 Jun 2024  Bournville v Lyndworth Third XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
29 Jun 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
29 Jun 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Aston Manor Third XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
29 Jun 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Attock Fourth XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
29 Jun 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
29 Jun 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Marston Green Second XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
06 Jul 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
06 Jul 2024  Bournville v Marston Green Second XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
06 Jul 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Aston Manor Third XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
06 Jul 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Lyndworth Third XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
06 Jul 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
06 Jul 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Smethwick Third XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
13 Jul 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
13 Jul 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
13 Jul 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Handsworth Third XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
13 Jul 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Wishaw Second XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
13 Jul 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Bournville King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
13 Jul 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Attock Fourth XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
20 Jul 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Marston Green Second XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
20 Jul 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Wishaw Second XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
20 Jul 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Bournville Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
20 Jul 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Smethwick Third XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
20 Jul 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Aston Manor Third XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
20 Jul 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Lyndworth Third XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
27 Jul 2024  Bournville v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
27 Jul 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
27 Jul 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Aston Manor Third XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
27 Jul 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
27 Jul 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Attock Fourth XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
27 Jul 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
03 Aug 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Marston Green Second XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
03 Aug 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Wishaw Second XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
03 Aug 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Handsworth Third XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
03 Aug 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Bournville Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
03 Aug 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Lyndworth Third XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
03 Aug 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Smethwick Third XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
10 Aug 2024  Bournville v Attock Fourth XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
10 Aug 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
10 Aug 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
10 Aug 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Lyndworth Third XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
10 Aug 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Aston Manor Third XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
10 Aug 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
17 Aug 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Wishaw Second XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
17 Aug 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Handsworth Third XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
17 Aug 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Smethwick Third XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
17 Aug 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
17 Aug 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Marston Green Second XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
17 Aug 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Bournville Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
24 Aug 2024  Bournville v Aston Manor Third XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
24 Aug 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Attock Fourth XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
24 Aug 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
24 Aug 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
24 Aug 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Marston Green Second XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
24 Aug 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Lyndworth Third XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
31 Aug 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Handsworth Third XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
31 Aug 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
31 Aug 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Bournville Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
31 Aug 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Wishaw Second XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
31 Aug 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Smethwick Third XI Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
31 Aug 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc
07 Sep 2024  Aston Manor Third XI v Weoley Hill Second XI Trinity Road, Birmingham misc
07 Sep 2024  Lyndworth Third XI v Attock Fourth XI Calthorpe Park, Birmingham misc
07 Sep 2024  Marston Green Second XI v Moseley Ashfield Third XI Bickenhill Road, Marston Green misc
07 Sep 2024  Sheldon Marlborough Second XI v Bournville Foliot Fields, Yardley misc
07 Sep 2024  Smethwick Third XI v Four Oaks Saints Second XI King Edward's Handsworth Girls School, Handsworth misc
07 Sep 2024  Wishaw Second XI v Handsworth Third XI Church Lane, Wishaw misc
14 Sep 2024  Attock Fourth XI v Aston Manor Third XI Holders Lane Playing Fields, Moor Green misc
14 Sep 2024  Bournville v Wishaw Second XI Bournville Cricket Ground, Bournville misc
14 Sep 2024  Four Oaks Saints Second XI v Marston Green Second XI Clarence Road, Four Oaks misc
14 Sep 2024  Handsworth Third XI v Smethwick Third XI Kynoch Ground, Birmingham misc
14 Sep 2024  Moseley Ashfield Third XI v Lyndworth Third XI Moor Green Lane, Moseley misc
14 Sep 2024  Weoley Hill Second XI v Sheldon Marlborough Second XI Valley Parkway Cricket Ground, Selly Oak misc

Future fixtures are copyright of the relevant organising body.
CricketArchive makes no claim that such matches will actually be played.