Fielding in North Lindsey League Division Two 1969 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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DG Simpson (Brtn)1310 10
C Brumpton (Brtn)149 9
BW Simpson (Brtn)145 5
MF Stothard (Brtn)84 4
G Armstrong (Brtn)113 3
JC Boulton (Brtn)72 2
P Dewick22 2
D Moment (Epw)22 2
G Moore (Epw)22 2
M Sidebottom12 2
J Simon (Brtn)112 2
BA Smith (Brtn)132 2
J Whitelam12 2
DR Atkinson (Brtn)61 1
W Baker21 1
F Ballinger (Hax)11 1
J Clayton21 1
M Farrah11 1
M Gray21 1
M King11 1
B Ladlow (Brtn)41 1
A Lightburn (Epw)21 1
G Markham11 1
C Mudd21 1
G Murray21 1
B Ogley (Hax)1011
B Parker21 1
S Parkin (Hax)11 1
W Perrin (Hax)11 1
M Powell11 1
T Reed (Brtn)21 1
J Rhoades21 1
J Shipley (Bel)11 1
I Strickland (Bel)11 1
R Thompson11 1
JE Welburn (Brtn)11 1
G Welch1011
R Welton (Brtn)91 1