Warwickshire Cricket League Premier Division 2017

 Points Table
 Averages: [Batting] [Bowling] [Fielding]
 Averages by [Team]

22 Apr 2017  Barby v Standard Longdown Lane, Barby misc777031
22 Apr 2017  Bedworth v Solihull Municipal Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777032
22 Apr 2017  Coleshill v Bablake Old Boys Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777033
22 Apr 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Aston Manor Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777034
22 Apr 2017  Highway Spartans v Rugby Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777035
22 Apr 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Studley Grange Road, Olton misc777036
29 Apr 2017  Bedworth v Standard Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777037
29 Apr 2017  Coleshill v Hampton and Solihull Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777038
29 Apr 2017  Highway Spartans v Barby Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777039
29 Apr 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Aston Manor Grange Road, Olton misc777040
29 Apr 2017  Rugby v Bablake Old Boys The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777041
29 Apr 2017  Solihull Municipal v Studley Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777042
06 May 2017  Aston Manor v Bedworth Church Road, Birmingham misc777043
06 May 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Solihull Municipal Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777044
06 May 2017  Barby v Coleshill Longdown Lane, Barby misc777045
06 May 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Olton and West Warwickshire Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777046
06 May 2017  Standard v Rugby Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777047
06 May 2017  Studley v Highway Spartans Washford Fields, Studley misc777048
13 May 2017  Barby v Aston Manor Longdown Lane, Barby misc777049
13 May 2017  Bedworth v Studley Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777050
13 May 2017  Coleshill v Standard Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777051
13 May 2017  Highway Spartans v Hampton and Solihull Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777052
13 May 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Bablake Old Boys Grange Road, Olton misc777053
13 May 2017  Rugby v Solihull Municipal The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777054
20 May 2017  Aston Manor v Coleshill Church Road, Birmingham misc777055
20 May 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Bedworth Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777056
20 May 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Barby Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777057
20 May 2017  Solihull Municipal v Highway Spartans Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777058
20 May 2017  Standard v Olton and West Warwickshire Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777059
20 May 2017  Studley v Rugby Washford Fields, Studley misc777060
27 May 2017  Barby v Bablake Old Boys Longdown Lane, Barby misc777061
27 May 2017  Bedworth v Rugby Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777062
27 May 2017  Coleshill v Studley Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777063
27 May 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Standard Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777064
27 May 2017  Highway Spartans v Aston Manor Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777065
27 May 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Solihull Municipal Grange Road, Olton misc777066
03 Jun 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Standard Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777067
03 Jun 2017  Bedworth v Coleshill Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777068
03 Jun 2017  Highway Spartans v Olton and West Warwickshire Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777069
03 Jun 2017  Rugby v Barby The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777070
03 Jun 2017  Solihull Municipal v Hampton and Solihull Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777071
03 Jun 2017  Studley v Aston Manor Washford Fields, Studley misc777072
10 Jun 2017  Aston Manor v Bablake Old Boys Church Road, Birmingham misc777073
10 Jun 2017  Barby v Solihull Municipal Longdown Lane, Barby misc777074
10 Jun 2017  Coleshill v Rugby Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777075
10 Jun 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Studley Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777076
10 Jun 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Bedworth Grange Road, Olton misc777077
10 Jun 2017  Standard v Highway Spartans Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777078
17 Jun 2017  Bedworth v Hampton and Solihull Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777079
17 Jun 2017  Highway Spartans v Coleshill Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777080
17 Jun 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Barby Grange Road, Olton misc777081
17 Jun 2017  Rugby v Aston Manor The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777082
17 Jun 2017  Solihull Municipal v Standard Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777083
17 Jun 2017  Studley v Bablake Old Boys Washford Fields, Studley misc777084
24 Jun 2017  Aston Manor v Solihull Municipal Church Road, Birmingham misc777085
24 Jun 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Highway Spartans Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777086
24 Jun 2017  Barby v Bedworth Longdown Lane, Barby misc777087
24 Jun 2017  Coleshill v Olton and West Warwickshire Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777088
24 Jun 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Rugby Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777089
24 Jun 2017  Standard v Studley Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777090
01 Jul 2017  Aston Manor v Olton and West Warwickshire Church Road, Birmingham misc777091
01 Jul 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Rugby Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777092
01 Jul 2017  Barby v Highway Spartans Longdown Lane, Barby misc777093
01 Jul 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Coleshill Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777094
01 Jul 2017  Standard v Bedworth Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777095
01 Jul 2017  Studley v Solihull Municipal Washford Fields, Studley misc777096
08 Jul 2017  Bedworth v Aston Manor Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777097
08 Jul 2017  Coleshill v Barby Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777098
08 Jul 2017  Highway Spartans v Studley Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777099
08 Jul 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Hampton and Solihull Grange Road, Olton misc777100
08 Jul 2017  Rugby v Standard The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777101
08 Jul 2017  Solihull Municipal v Bablake Old Boys Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777102
15 Jul 2017  Aston Manor v Barby Church Road, Birmingham misc777103
15 Jul 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Olton and West Warwickshire Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777104
15 Jul 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Highway Spartans Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777105
15 Jul 2017  Solihull Municipal v Rugby Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777106
15 Jul 2017  Standard v Coleshill Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777107
15 Jul 2017  Studley v Bedworth Washford Fields, Studley misc777108
22 Jul 2017  Barby v Hampton and Solihull Longdown Lane, Barby misc777109
22 Jul 2017  Bedworth v Bablake Old Boys Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777110
22 Jul 2017  Coleshill v Aston Manor Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777111
22 Jul 2017  Highway Spartans v Solihull Municipal Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777112
22 Jul 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Standard Grange Road, Olton misc777113
22 Jul 2017  Rugby v Studley The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777114
29 Jul 2017  Aston Manor v Hampton and Solihull Church Road, Birmingham misc777115
29 Jul 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Coleshill Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777116
29 Jul 2017  Rugby v Highway Spartans The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777117
29 Jul 2017  Solihull Municipal v Bedworth Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777118
29 Jul 2017  Standard v Barby Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777119
29 Jul 2017  Studley v Olton and West Warwickshire Washford Fields, Studley misc777120
05 Aug 2017  Barby v Studley Longdown Lane, Barby misc777121
05 Aug 2017  Coleshill v Solihull Municipal Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777122
05 Aug 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Bablake Old Boys Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777123
05 Aug 2017  Highway Spartans v Bedworth Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777124
05 Aug 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Rugby Grange Road, Olton misc777125
05 Aug 2017  Standard v Aston Manor Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777126a
12 Aug 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Aston Manor Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777127
12 Aug 2017  Bedworth v Olton and West Warwickshire Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777128
12 Aug 2017  Highway Spartans v Standard Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777129
12 Aug 2017  Rugby v Coleshill The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777130
12 Aug 2017  Solihull Municipal v Barby Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777131
12 Aug 2017  Studley v Hampton and Solihull Washford Fields, Studley misc777132
19 Aug 2017  Aston Manor v Rugby Church Road, Birmingham misc777133
19 Aug 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Studley Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777134
19 Aug 2017  Barby v Olton and West Warwickshire Longdown Lane, Barby misc777135
19 Aug 2017  Coleshill v Highway Spartans Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777136
19 Aug 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Bedworth Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777137
19 Aug 2017  Standard v Solihull Municipal Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777138
26 Aug 2017  Bedworth v Barby Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777139
26 Aug 2017  Highway Spartans v Bablake Old Boys Fletchamstead Highway Ground, Coventry misc777140
26 Aug 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Coleshill Grange Road, Olton misc777141
26 Aug 2017  Rugby v Hampton and Solihull The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777142
26 Aug 2017  Solihull Municipal v Aston Manor Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777143
26 Aug 2017  Studley v Standard Washford Fields, Studley misc777144
28 Aug 2017  Aston Manor v Studley Church Road, Birmingham misc777145
28 Aug 2017  Barby v Rugby Longdown Lane, Barby misc777146
28 Aug 2017  Coleshill v Bedworth Memorial Park, Coleshill misc777147
28 Aug 2017  Hampton and Solihull v Solihull Municipal Tippett's Field, Solihull misc777148
28 Aug 2017  Olton and West Warwickshire v Highway Spartans Grange Road, Olton misc777149
28 Aug 2017  Standard v Bablake Old Boys Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777150
02 Sep 2017  Aston Manor v Highway Spartans Church Road, Birmingham misc777151
02 Sep 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Barby Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777152
02 Sep 2017  Rugby v Bedworth The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777153
02 Sep 2017  Solihull Municipal v Olton and West Warwickshire Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777154
02 Sep 2017  Standard v Hampton and Solihull Tanners Lane, Coventry misc777155
02 Sep 2017  Studley v Coleshill Washford Fields, Studley misc777156
09 Sep 2017  Aston Manor v Standard Church Road, Birmingham misc777157
09 Sep 2017  Bablake Old Boys v Hampton and Solihull Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc777158a
09 Sep 2017  Bedworth v Highway Spartans Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc777159
09 Sep 2017  Rugby v Olton and West Warwickshire The Cricket Ground, Rugby misc777160
09 Sep 2017  Solihull Municipal v Coleshill Brick Kiln Lane, Solihull misc777161
09 Sep 2017  Studley v Barby Washford Fields, Studley misc777162