Hevey Building Supplies Northamptonshire Cricket League Premier Division 2018

 Points Table
 Averages: [Batting] [Bowling] [Fielding]
 Averages by [Team]

28 Apr 2018  Brigstock v Horton House The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2276a
28 Apr 2018  Old Northamptonians v Geddington Billing Road, Northampton northantp2276b
28 Apr 2018  Oundle Town v Brixworth Milton Road, Oundle northantp2276c
28 Apr 2018  Rushden Town v Peterborough Town Town Ground, Rushden northantp2276d
28 Apr 2018  Rushton v Finedon Dolben Station Road, Rushton northantp2276e
28 Apr 2018  Wollaston v Northampton Saints The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2276f
05 May 2018  Brixworth v Old Northamptonians Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2277
05 May 2018  Finedon Dolben v Wollaston Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2278
05 May 2018  Geddington v Horton House Sports Field, Geddington northantp2279
05 May 2018  Northampton Saints v Rushden Town Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2280
05 May 2018  Peterborough Town v Oundle Town Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2281
05 May 2018  Rushton v Brigstock Station Road, Rushton northantp2282
12 May 2018  Brigstock v Geddington The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2283
12 May 2018  Horton House v Brixworth Denton Road, Horton northantp2284
12 May 2018  Old Northamptonians v Peterborough Town Billing Road, Northampton northantp2285
12 May 2018  Oundle Town v Northampton Saints Milton Road, Oundle northantp2286
12 May 2018  Rushden Town v Finedon Dolben Town Ground, Rushden northantp2287
12 May 2018  Wollaston v Rushton The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2288
19 May 2018  Brixworth v Geddington Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2289
19 May 2018  Finedon Dolben v Oundle Town Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2290
19 May 2018  Northampton Saints v Old Northamptonians Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2291
19 May 2018  Peterborough Town v Horton House Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2292
19 May 2018  Rushton v Rushden Town Station Road, Rushton northantp2293
19 May 2018  Wollaston v Brigstock The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2294
26 May 2018  Brigstock v Brixworth The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2295
26 May 2018  Geddington v Peterborough Town Sports Field, Geddington northantp2296
26 May 2018  Horton House v Northampton Saints Denton Road, Horton northantp2297
26 May 2018  Old Northamptonians v Finedon Dolben Billing Road, Northampton northantp2298
26 May 2018  Oundle Town v Rushton Milton Road, Oundle northantp2299
26 May 2018  Rushden Town v Wollaston Town Ground, Rushden northantp2300
02 Jun 2018  Finedon Dolben v Horton House Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2301
02 Jun 2018  Northampton Saints v Geddington Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2302
02 Jun 2018  Peterborough Town v Brixworth Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2303
02 Jun 2018  Rushden Town v Brigstock Town Ground, Rushden northantp2304
02 Jun 2018  Rushton v Old Northamptonians Station Road, Rushton northantp2305
02 Jun 2018  Wollaston v Oundle Town The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2306
09 Jun 2018  Brigstock v Peterborough Town The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2307
09 Jun 2018  Brixworth v Northampton Saints Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2308
09 Jun 2018  Geddington v Finedon Dolben Sports Field, Geddington northantp2309
09 Jun 2018  Horton House v Rushton Denton Road, Horton northantp2310
09 Jun 2018  Old Northamptonians v Wollaston Billing Road, Northampton northantp2311
09 Jun 2018  Oundle Town v Rushden Town Milton Road, Oundle northantp2312
16 Jun 2018  Finedon Dolben v Brixworth Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2313
16 Jun 2018  Northampton Saints v Peterborough Town Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2314
16 Jun 2018  Oundle Town v Brigstock Milton Road, Oundle northantp2315
16 Jun 2018  Rushden Town v Old Northamptonians Town Ground, Rushden northantp2316
16 Jun 2018  Rushton v Geddington Station Road, Rushton ECBP
16 Jun 2018  Wollaston v Horton House The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2318
23 Jun 2018  Brigstock v Northampton Saints The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2319
23 Jun 2018  Brixworth v Rushton Northampton Road, Brixworth ECBP
23 Jun 2018  Geddington v Wollaston Sports Field, Geddington northantp2321
23 Jun 2018  Horton House v Rushden Town Denton Road, Horton northantp2322
23 Jun 2018  Old Northamptonians v Oundle Town Billing Road, Northampton northantp2323
23 Jun 2018  Peterborough Town v Finedon Dolben Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2324
30 Jun 2018  Finedon Dolben v Northampton Saints Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2325
30 Jun 2018  Old Northamptonians v Brigstock Billing Road, Northampton northantp2326
30 Jun 2018  Oundle Town v Horton House Milton Road, Oundle northantp2327
30 Jun 2018  Rushden Town v Geddington Town Ground, Rushden northantp2328
30 Jun 2018  Rushton v Peterborough Town Station Road, Rushton ECBP
30 Jun 2018  Wollaston v Brixworth The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2330
07 Jul 2018  Brigstock v Finedon Dolben The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2331
07 Jul 2018  Old Northamptonians v Horton House Billing Road, Northampton northantp2332
07 Jul 2018  Oundle Town v Geddington Milton Road, Oundle northantp2333
07 Jul 2018  Rushden Town v Brixworth Town Ground, Rushden northantp2334
07 Jul 2018  Rushton v Northampton Saints Station Road, Rushton ECBP
07 Jul 2018  Wollaston v Peterborough Town The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2336
14 Jul 2018  Brixworth v Oundle Town Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2337
14 Jul 2018  Finedon Dolben v Rushton Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon ECBP
14 Jul 2018  Geddington v Old Northamptonians Sports Field, Geddington northantp2339
14 Jul 2018  Horton House v Brigstock Denton Road, Horton northantp2340
14 Jul 2018  Northampton Saints v Wollaston Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2341
14 Jul 2018  Peterborough Town v Rushden Town Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2342
21 Jul 2018  Brigstock v Rushton The Meadow, Brigstock ECBP
21 Jul 2018  Horton House v Geddington Denton Road, Horton northantp2344
21 Jul 2018  Old Northamptonians v Brixworth Billing Road, Northampton northantp2345
21 Jul 2018  Oundle Town v Peterborough Town Milton Road, Oundle northantp2346
21 Jul 2018  Rushden Town v Northampton Saints Town Ground, Rushden northantp2347
21 Jul 2018  Wollaston v Finedon Dolben The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2348
28 Jul 2018  Brixworth v Horton House Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2349
28 Jul 2018  Finedon Dolben v Rushden Town Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2350
28 Jul 2018  Geddington v Brigstock Sports Field, Geddington northantp2351
28 Jul 2018  Northampton Saints v Oundle Town Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2352
28 Jul 2018  Peterborough Town v Old Northamptonians Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2353
28 Jul 2018  Rushton v Wollaston Station Road, Rushton ECBP
04 Aug 2018  Brigstock v Wollaston The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2355
04 Aug 2018  Geddington v Brixworth Sports Field, Geddington northantp2356
04 Aug 2018  Horton House v Peterborough Town Denton Road, Horton northantp2357
04 Aug 2018  Old Northamptonians v Northampton Saints Billing Road, Northampton northantp2358
04 Aug 2018  Oundle Town v Finedon Dolben Milton Road, Oundle northantp2359
04 Aug 2018  Rushden Town v Rushton Town Ground, Rushden ECBP
11 Aug 2018  Brixworth v Brigstock Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2361
11 Aug 2018  Finedon Dolben v Old Northamptonians Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2362
11 Aug 2018  Northampton Saints v Horton House Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2363
11 Aug 2018  Peterborough Town v Geddington Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2364
11 Aug 2018  Rushton v Oundle Town Station Road, Rushton ECBP
11 Aug 2018  Wollaston v Rushden Town The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2366
18 Aug 2018  Brigstock v Rushden Town The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2367
18 Aug 2018  Brixworth v Peterborough Town Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2368
18 Aug 2018  Geddington v Northampton Saints Sports Field, Geddington northantp2369
18 Aug 2018  Horton House v Finedon Dolben Denton Road, Horton northantp2370
18 Aug 2018  Old Northamptonians v Rushton Billing Road, Northampton ECBP
18 Aug 2018  Oundle Town v Wollaston Milton Road, Oundle northantp2372
25 Aug 2018  Finedon Dolben v Geddington Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2373
25 Aug 2018  Northampton Saints v Brixworth Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2374
25 Aug 2018  Peterborough Town v Brigstock Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2375
25 Aug 2018  Rushden Town v Oundle Town Town Ground, Rushden northantp2376
25 Aug 2018  Rushton v Horton House Station Road, Rushton ECBP
25 Aug 2018  Wollaston v Old Northamptonians The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2378
01 Sep 2018  Brigstock v Oundle Town The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2379
01 Sep 2018  Brixworth v Finedon Dolben Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2380
01 Sep 2018  Geddington v Rushton Sports Field, Geddington ECBP
01 Sep 2018  Horton House v Wollaston Denton Road, Horton northantp2382
01 Sep 2018  Old Northamptonians v Rushden Town Billing Road, Northampton northantp2383
01 Sep 2018  Peterborough Town v Northampton Saints Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2384
08 Sep 2018  Finedon Dolben v Peterborough Town Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2385
08 Sep 2018  Northampton Saints v Brigstock Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2386
08 Sep 2018  Oundle Town v Old Northamptonians Milton Road, Oundle northantp2387
08 Sep 2018  Rushden Town v Horton House Town Ground, Rushden northantp2388
08 Sep 2018  Rushton v Brixworth Station Road, Rushton ECBP
08 Sep 2018  Wollaston v Geddington The Playing Field, Wollaston northantp2390
15 Sep 2018  Brigstock v Old Northamptonians The Meadow, Brigstock northantp2391
15 Sep 2018  Brixworth v Wollaston Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2392
15 Sep 2018  Geddington v Rushden Town Sports Field, Geddington northantp2393
15 Sep 2018  Horton House v Oundle Town Denton Road, Horton northantp2394
15 Sep 2018  Northampton Saints v Finedon Dolben Birchfield Road East, Northampton northantp2395
15 Sep 2018  Peterborough Town v Rushton Bretton Gate, Peterborough ECBP
22 Sep 2018  Brixworth v Rushden Town Northampton Road, Brixworth northantp2396a
22 Sep 2018  Finedon Dolben v Brigstock Dolben Cricket Ground, Finedon northantp2397
22 Sep 2018  Geddington v Oundle Town Sports Field, Geddington northantp2398
22 Sep 2018  Horton House v Old Northamptonians Denton Road, Horton northantp2399
22 Sep 2018  Northampton Saints v Rushton Birchfield Road East, Northampton ECBP
22 Sep 2018  Peterborough Town v Wollaston Bretton Gate, Peterborough northantp2401