Fielding in Currie Cup 1892/93 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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AR Richards (WP)2516
CSE Rutherfoord (GW)2516
EA Halliwell (Tvl)2134
H Tudhope (Tvl)24 4
G Cripps (WP)23 3
WRT Solomon (Tvl)23 3
VA van der Bijl (WP)23 3
IR Grimmer (GW)22 2
FG Klinck (Tvl)22 2
J Middleton (WP)22 2
AW Powell (GW)22 2
AWP Walshe (GW)22 2
PS Wimble (Tvl)22 2
H Calder (WP)21 1
GK Glover (GW)21 1
F Hearne (WP)21 1
D Lloyd (GW)11 1
C Mills (WP)21 1
NC Pauling (WP)21 1
JM Powell (GW)21 1
WO Reid (Tvl)21 1
TW Routledge (Tvl)21 1
JH Sinclair (Tvl)21 1
VAW van der Bijl (WP)21 1
JT Vigne (GW)21 1