South African Country Cricket Association Week 1954/55

14 Feb 1955  Border Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districts Standard, Pietermaritzburg misc
14 Feb 1955  Eastern Province Country Districts v North Eastern Transvaal Country Districts City Oval, Pietermaritzburg misc
14 Feb 1955  Griqualand West Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districts The Track, Pietermaritzburg misc
14 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts v Western Province Country Districts Riverside, Pietermaritzburg misc
14 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts B v Rhodesia Country Districts Jan Smuts Stadium, Pietermaritzburg misc
15 Feb 1955  Griqualand West Country Districts v Western Province Country Districts Jan Smuts Stadium, Pietermaritzburg misc
15 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts v Eastern Province Country Districts Standard, Pietermaritzburg misc
15 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts B v Border Country Districts The Track, Pietermaritzburg misc
15 Feb 1955  North Eastern Transvaal Country Districts v Rhodesia Country Districts Riverside, Pietermaritzburg misc
15 Feb 1955  Orange Free State Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districts City Oval, Pietermaritzburg misc
16 Feb 1955  Border Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districts Riverside, Pietermaritzburg misc
16 Feb 1955  Eastern Province Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districts Jan Smuts Stadium, Pietermaritzburg misc
16 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts v North Eastern Transvaal Country Districts The Track, Pietermaritzburg misc
16 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts B v Griqualand West Country Districts City Oval, Pietermaritzburg misc
16 Feb 1955  Rhodesia Country Districts v Western Province Country Districts Standard, Pietermaritzburg misc
17 Feb 1955  Border Country Districts v North Eastern Transvaal Country Districts Jan Smuts Stadium, Pietermaritzburg misc
17 Feb 1955  Eastern Province Country Districts v Western Province Country Districts The Track, Pietermaritzburg misc
17 Feb 1955  Griqualand West Country Districts v Orange Free State Country Districts Riverside, Pietermaritzburg misc
17 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts v Rhodesia Country Districts City Oval, Pietermaritzburg misc
17 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts B v Transvaal Country Districts Standard, Pietermaritzburg misc
18 Feb 1955  Border Country Districts v Western Province Country Districts City Oval, Pietermaritzburg misc
18 Feb 1955  Griqualand West Country Districts v North Eastern Transvaal Country Districts Standard, Pietermaritzburg misc
18 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts v Transvaal Country Districts Jan Smuts Stadium, Pietermaritzburg misc
18 Feb 1955  Natal Country Districts B v Eastern Province Country Districts Riverside, Pietermaritzburg misc
18 Feb 1955  Orange Free State Country Districts v Rhodesia Country Districts The Track, Pietermaritzburg misc
19 Feb 1955  Natal v South African Country Districts City Oval, Pietermaritzburg misc