Warwickshire Sunday League Division One 2011

15 May 2011  Bablake Old Boys v Moseley Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc
15 May 2011  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Walmley Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc
15 May 2011  Dorridge v Water Orton Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
15 May 2011  Kenilworth v Olton and West Warwickshire Warwick Road, Kenilworth misc
15 May 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Bedworth Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
15 May 2011  Leamington v Attock Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc
22 May 2011  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Moseley Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc
22 May 2011  Dorridge v Bablake Old Boys Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
22 May 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Olton and West Warwickshire Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
22 May 2011  Knowle and Dorridge v Kenilworth Station Road, Dorridge misc
22 May 2011  Walmley v Leamington The John Findlay Memorial Ground, Walmley misc
22 May 2011  Water Orton v Attock Coleshill Road, Water Orton misc
05 Jun 2011  Bedworth v Leamington Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc
05 Jun 2011  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Harborne Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc
05 Jun 2011  Kenilworth v Attock Warwick Road, Kenilworth misc
05 Jun 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Moseley Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
05 Jun 2011  Knowle and Dorridge v Bablake Old Boys Station Road, Dorridge misc
05 Jun 2011  Olton and West Warwickshire v Water Orton Grange Road, Olton misc
12 Jun 2011  Bedworth v Kenilworth Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc
12 Jun 2011  Berkswell v Olton and West Warwickshire Meeting House Lane, Balsall Common misc
12 Jun 2011  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Attock Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc
12 Jun 2011  Dorridge v Leamington Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
12 Jun 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Harborne Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
12 Jun 2011  Walmley v Bablake Old Boys The John Findlay Memorial Ground, Walmley misc
12 Jun 2011  Water Orton v Moseley Coleshill Road, Water Orton misc
19 Jun 2011  Attock v Walmley Moseley School Ground, Moseley misc
19 Jun 2011  Bablake Old Boys v Water Orton Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc
19 Jun 2011  Harborne v Bedworth Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc
19 Jun 2011  Leamington v Coventry and North Warwickshire Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc
19 Jun 2011  Moseley v Dorridge Scorers, Shirley misc
19 Jun 2011  Olton and West Warwickshire v Knowle and Dorridge Grange Road, Olton misc
26 Jun 2011  Attock v Bedworth Moseley School Ground, Moseley misc
26 Jun 2011  Dorridge v Olton and West Warwickshire Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
26 Jun 2011  Harborne v Walmley Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc
26 Jun 2011  Leamington v Kenilworth Wardens Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc
26 Jun 2011  Moseley v Knowle and Dorridge Scorers, Shirley misc
26 Jun 2011  Water Orton v Kenilworth Coleshill Road, Water Orton misc
03 Jul 2011  Bablake Old Boys v Olton and West Warwickshire Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc
03 Jul 2011  Bedworth v Coventry and North Warwickshire Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc
03 Jul 2011  Harborne v Leamington Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc
03 Jul 2011  Kenilworth v Walmley Warwick Road, Kenilworth misc
03 Jul 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Dorridge Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
03 Jul 2011  Knowle and Dorridge v Water Orton Station Road, Dorridge misc
10 Jul 2011  Attock v Knowle and Dorridge Moseley School Ground, Moseley misc
10 Jul 2011  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Kenilworth Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc
10 Jul 2011  Dorridge v Bedworth Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
10 Jul 2011  Moseley v Harborne Scorers, Shirley misc
10 Jul 2011  Olton and West Warwickshire v Walmley Grange Road, Olton misc
10 Jul 2011  Water Orton v Kenilworth Wardens Coleshill Road, Water Orton misc
17 Jul 2011  Attock v Dorridge Moseley School Ground, Moseley misc
17 Jul 2011  Bablake Old Boys v Coventry and North Warwickshire Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc
17 Jul 2011  Harborne v Knowle and Dorridge Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc
17 Jul 2011  Kenilworth v Kenilworth Wardens Warwick Road, Kenilworth misc
17 Jul 2011  Leamington v Water Orton Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc
17 Jul 2011  Moseley v Walmley Scorers, Shirley misc
17 Jul 2011  Olton and West Warwickshire v Bedworth Grange Road, Olton misc
24 Jul 2011  Attock v Bablake Old Boys Moseley School Ground, Moseley misc
24 Jul 2011  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Dorridge Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc
24 Jul 2011  Harborne v Kenilworth Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc
24 Jul 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Knowle and Dorridge Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
24 Jul 2011  Leamington v Moseley Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc
24 Jul 2011  Walmley v Water Orton The John Findlay Memorial Ground, Walmley misc
31 Jul 2011  Attock v Olton and West Warwickshire Moseley School Ground, Moseley misc
31 Jul 2011  Bablake Old Boys v Kenilworth Wardens Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc
31 Jul 2011  Dorridge v Harborne Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
31 Jul 2011  Leamington v Kenilworth Arlington Avenue, Leamington Spa misc
31 Jul 2011  Moseley v Bedworth Scorers, Shirley misc
31 Jul 2011  Walmley v Knowle and Dorridge The John Findlay Memorial Ground, Walmley misc
07 Aug 2011  Bablake Old Boys v Leamington Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc
07 Aug 2011  Dorridge v Walmley Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
07 Aug 2011  Knowle and Dorridge v Bedworth Station Road, Dorridge misc
07 Aug 2011  Moseley v Attock Scorers, Shirley misc
07 Aug 2011  Olton and West Warwickshire v Harborne Grange Road, Olton misc
07 Aug 2011  Water Orton v Coventry and North Warwickshire Coleshill Road, Water Orton misc
14 Aug 2011  Bedworth v Water Orton Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc
14 Aug 2011  Harborne v Bablake Old Boys Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc
14 Aug 2011  Kenilworth v Dorridge Warwick Road, Kenilworth misc
14 Aug 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Attock Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
14 Aug 2011  Knowle and Dorridge v Leamington Station Road, Dorridge misc
14 Aug 2011  Olton and West Warwickshire v Coventry and North Warwickshire Grange Road, Olton misc
21 Aug 2011  Bedworth v Bablake Old Boys Miners Welfare Park, Bedworth misc
21 Aug 2011  Harborne v Water Orton Old Church Avenue, Harborne misc
21 Aug 2011  Kenilworth v Moseley Warwick Road, Kenilworth misc
21 Aug 2011  Kenilworth Wardens v Walmley Glasshouse Park, Kenilworth misc
21 Aug 2011  Knowle and Dorridge v Coventry and North Warwickshire Station Road, Dorridge misc
21 Aug 2011  Olton and West Warwickshire v Leamington Grange Road, Olton misc
04 Sep 2011  Attock v Harborne Moseley School Ground, Moseley misc
04 Sep 2011  Bablake Old Boys v Kenilworth Bablake Playing Fields, Coundon misc
04 Sep 2011  Coventry and North Warwickshire v Kenilworth Wardens Bulls Head Ground, Coventry misc
04 Sep 2011  Dorridge v Knowle and Dorridge Earlswood Road, Dorridge misc
04 Sep 2011  Moseley v Olton and West Warwickshire Scorers, Shirley misc
04 Sep 2011  Walmley v Bedworth The John Findlay Memorial Ground, Walmley misc