Dilshan's Dilscoop shot was also a real threat to himself, says Dougie Marillier
by Bipin Dani

Player:TM Dilshan, DA Marillier

DateLine: 28th August 2016


Mumbai, Aug. 28 : Dilshan's famous Dilscoop shot was "very dangerous" for himself, according to Zimbabwean Douglas Marillier, who himself is known for his Marillier shot which is many a times compared with the Dilscoop.


Speaking exclusively over his mobile from Harare on Sunday, the 39-year-old Marillier said, "regarding our shots, I think they essentially try to do the same thing – score runs in an area that is difficult to protect as a captain – or perhaps to change the field in a way that allows for other scoring opportunities to open up".


"I think the way I played it – being slightly on the inside of the ball was probably less difficult than the way he played it, he was often on one knee and in many cases ended up hitting the ball directly over his own head so a fair amount more dangerous I would have thought – mine – well being on the inside of the ball meant that all I had to do was get some bat on the ball – and if I didn’t then I may have ended up being bowled or perhaps being hit one the pads, his shot – if he ever missed (which was not often) then he had a real threat of being hit in the body of head".


"Obviously Dilshan's shot is something that cricket lovers will remember – but they must also recall his ability to play the more orthodox cricket shots and do well with these – so he did in essence have the full package as a batsman – someone who both plays conventional cricket and scores freely, but also improvises in a way that few have been able to do".


"With regards to Dilshan's retirement from the game, he has been a wonderful cricketer to watch and obviously has stood the test of time in terms of his career – I remember he was playing way back when I was playing so he really has been an asset to not only Sri Lanka but the game of Cricket as a whole – I wish him well in whatever he elects to do next", he signed off.


(Article: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author only.
Copyright © 2016 Bipin Dani)